Vreta glanced at 595 and shrugged. “I don’t know; I don’t have access to your account. The fine’s amount would be auto-calculated based your income, total assets, and extenuating circumstances surrounding the event. The fact that you were not arrested might imply that your victim did something to instigate as well.” Vreta too was keen to get up and walked straight to the kitchen for a glass of water. He raised up his snout and sniffed the air above the dish that Kalex had prepared to identify the ingredients within. “Fish, grains, eggs, and what is that scent…ah, my search says you call it ‘butter’. Definitely a Human dish. Where did you order the ingredients from? I imagine that, by this point, you have found the best option for authentic Human cuisine, Ambassador.” Soon enough, Vreta’s other guests joined them in the main room. He looked back over his shoulder and nodded in greeting to them. “Good morning Freyr, Masgard. I hope my guest rooms were comfortable to your standards. It seems Kalax has taken the liberty of cooking for us. I don’t know what it is, but I am happy to try your cuisine.” After a moment, Vreta gave another look to 595 beside him. “My shower is down that hall if you need it. Though for myself, I usually just bask in the pool outside. It can be heated like a hot tub, and the filtration system easily handles all contaminates. I find it a relaxing start to the day.”