[hider=Mushu? Wushu.] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/654438713455149084/790986598321487902/image0.jpg[/img][/center][hider=Moar because why not.][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/654438713455149084/790987960748605450/image0.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=Lime][color=white][b]Name[/b][/color] Xiefeng Xiaolong [color=white][b]Nicknames[/b][/color] Xiao, Monkey, Xiaoxiao, The Chosen, Tatted Monk, Chinatown’s Dragon, Double X [color=white][b]Alias[/b][/color] Yang-Yin [color=white][b]Age[/b][/color] 27 [color=white][b]Birthday[/b][/color] February 12th [color=white][b]Gender[/b][/color] Male [color=white][b]Species[/b][/color] Human [color=white][b]Ethnicity[/b][/color] Chinese [color=white][b]Nationality[/b][/color] Naturalized Chinese-American - [color=white][b]Personality[/b][/color] Xiao more often than not, generally keeps to himself. He doesn't have many friends but many acquaintances. This is mostly an outer shell that he's developed due to his past. He'd be more classified as reserved opposed to simply not liking people, as he's very active in his community. When one gets to know him, he's a kind, silly, and thoughtful sort of guy. Xiao is a very musically inclined person. Nearly any kind of music can resonate with him and he can find something to appreciate from it. After regaining himself, he's slowly trying to branch out and try new things, but he takes one thing at a time. It is clear that he sometimes lacks in some areas of the code which was instilled in him at a young age. However, in memory of his old temple and brothers, he still holds strong to those virtues. He won't kill unless he deems it necessary, or if he is putting someone out of their misery. Xiao would do anything in his power to protect families, in which case, he won't brutally injure those whom he knows have family depending on the circumstances. Under no circumstances would he kill children. Serial murderers, be them human or supernatural however, make the list of those who die painfully. His senses of honor and courage are likely his most defining aspects. He is typically very honest but he isn't fully against lying when it feels necessary. He's very respectful toward most and especially toward the elderly. When he puts his mind to something, he's going to find a way to pull through with it. If he makes a promise, he will follow through with it, no matter what it is. Under no circumstances would he even attempt to break or even slightly dishonor it. He despises cowards and chronic liars. That said, he is most certainly someone that anyone wants on their side. He'd fight to the death for those whom he cares about and work hard to make their dreams come true. [color=white][b]Height[/b][/color] 6’0” [color=white][b]Weight[/b][/color] 190 lbs [color=white][b]Notable Features[/b][/color] His rather long hair, as well as the tattoos spanning his entire body from the neck down. [color=white][b]Hair[/b][/color] Black, usually in ponytails or queues but will style it up for special occasions. [color=white][b]Eyes[/b][/color] Jade Green [color=white][b]Voice[/b][/color] Brian Tochi [color=white][b]Languages[/b][/color] Chinese, English, Japanese, Limited Italian, Limited Spanish [color=white][b]Biography[/b][/color] “I was brought up in one of the hidden temples of true shaolin monks from generations within the past. I knew nothing of my mother or father. Instead, I was looked after and trained more specifically by Grandmaster Xuan Liang and Sifu Gohu. It was not easy, growing as I was. Apparently I was chosen at birth; ‘The Mortal who could challenge the Immortal. A warrior chosen every 100 years to defend our people from destruction.’ Being this supposed Chosen One, much expectation was placed upon my shoulders. As a child, I was both looked up to and envied by many of the young students. [s]Besides making a laughing stock of my ‘bullies’,[/s] I spent much time training, meditating, or studying scrolls. I was impatient, wanting to rise through the ranks as quickly as possible. I wanted for Grandmaster to be proud of me and to trust me. Trust enough to let me explore the world outside of the temple grounds, as my requests were often denied. The Grandmaster and Sifu Gohu conflicted often on actions relating to my prophesied destiny. Grandmaster Liang felt that to enter peace was to remain isolated as the warrior monks were traditionally, ignoring the corruption of the outside world and the problems with it. Sifu Gohu wanted me to go into the bowls of the Diyu, to destroy the demons of hell. While seeming noble on the surface, Sifu Gohu was not exemplary. He was too quick to anger, brutal in punishment. He was smooth with his tongue and thus, swayed many of the others to his side even some of the elders. At times with deception and fear. A warlord within our midst, brought upon by the hardships of his past. Even still, I used to believe that while I did not particularly agree with the things Gohu had done, getting more involved with the world outside would be better for us. However, the Grandmaster’s word as Abbot overruled Gohu. In these matters, the two remained at an impasse. Though, this wouldn't be for long...Two tigers could not reside on the same mountain for too long, an old story went. I didn’t want the temple to tear itself in two, battling one another for a fate that I didn’t truly believe in. So, I fled under the cover of darkness, never to return. Selfish? Unbelievable? Perhaps, but it is the life I lived." - [color=white][b]Powers[/b][/color] Chi Manipulation: Xiao has the ability to manipulate Chi or the laten inner energy of all living creatures. Although trained humans can gain the potential to control their inner Chi, his connection to the divine allows him to further this ability to supernatural levels. In which case, he can draw energy from Yin and Yang. Yin - The darker half invokes physical enhancements to himself through the use of Chi. This ability is most prominent in peak-humans, such as his mother. It enables him to become stronger, move faster, react quicker, enhance his senses. Yang - The light half of abilities enable him to use Chi externally for a variety of different effects. This allows him to construct varying shields or blasts of kinetic chi energy. He could also use it to enhance his punches and kicks. When this ability is in use, a vibrant yellow aura radiates around his body, and his tattoos glow golden energy. The Sleeping Dragon - A mysterious state of being that triggers in highly stressful or dire situations. It is considered to be directly correlated with his Yin based abilities as a fight or flight response. One can tell that he has entered this condition, due to the color of his eyes, becoming a clouded ash. In it, his physical capabilities far exceed his limits when consciously using his abilities. The cost is that his body goes into an autopilot of sorts and he can’t remember what happened until long afterwards. His limits within this state are currently unknown. Weaknesses: Xiao can only use one side of his Chi abilities at a time as Yin and Yang clash quite violently in his mortal body. If he were to attempt to, he’d begin seizing and lose consciousness for several days. Moreover, his Yang abilities are quite physically taxing, thus he must learn to concentrate and gauge his stamina when using that side. Furthermost, his training was designed to suppress the Sleeping Dragon, not control it. Yet, it is still very much a part of him and will surface should the circumstance present itself. [color=white][b]Fighting Style[/b][/color] Xiao is a capable fighter. His prowess lies in hand-to-hand combat as his most proficient skill, being taught in particular the Animal Styles of Wushu to harness his chi. He is also skilled in his use of blending the other forms together into his own style. Because of this training, he has a heavy preference to get up close and personal with his opponents. He'll evade and taunt them, effectively playing with them to gauge how it would be best to defeat them. When Xiao’s Sleeping Dragon is ‘awakened’ this playful/clever manner is nonexistent. This results in a much brutal style of combat that could be more likened to Muay Thai. Should his Dragon target someone, it will stop at nothing until the threat is eliminated and will attack allies inadvertently to achieve this. [color=white][b]Combat Abilities[/b][/color] Well-Rounded Melee Combatant Mystical Martial Artistry (Chi) Force of Athleticism [color=crimson]Duality (Yin Vs Yang) Morality (Fidelity Vs Fatality) Mortality (Natural Vs Supernatural)[/color] [color=white][b]Daily Skills[/b][/color] Athletic Training Counseling Musician Translation Public Speaking - [color=white][b]Equipment[/b][/color] Cell Phone Minimal Hair Care Objects Prayer Beads [color=white][b]Weapons[/b][/color] Enchanted Gauntlets and Leg Guards - Conduits in which to focus his yang based chi through. Must be fixed/replaced after every battle. [color=white][b]Theme Songs[/b][/color] [Youtube]https://youtu.be/j81fYZVvFh4[/youtube] [/color][/hider]