[h3][color=6ecff6][b]Terneus Andros[/b][/color][/h3] It took a moment for the graceful elven lord to gather his composure, after all these spiders were not a threat to someone like him. At least that's what he believed. The forest itself was in dire need of elven restoration, with all the web scattered about and beastfolk running amok. And now they were leaving. They were what?! They were leaving! Governor Andros blinked his noble eyes at the sight of the strangers deciding to leave, but they were leaving without him. Him of all people. The most important person around. [color=6ecff6][b]"What are you doing?! Get back here this instant! I command you to cease- Get off my boot you dirty arachnid!"[/b][/color] The elf yelled in annoyance as he kicked a smaller spider off his once clean boots, the elf shot two more beams of light at some more spiders as he was making his way forwards quickly towards the group as they were leaving. Too bad the governor's fast movement, was the equalent of being very slow to everyone elses standards. All those years in the carriage was surely to blame for this unfortunate setback. [color=6ecff6][b]"I said get back here, I order you to carry me with your unworthy hands! I care not in which manner you do this, but that it happens right now! The rough terrain is damaging my pure feet..."[/b][/color] His yelling soon turned into muttering as he looked around, seeing spiders scattering or darting off into the forestation. He had come to a forked path in the forest, which path did they take? One of the prints looked like a reversed "U" and seemed to dart off to the left, and there was some other prints leading right. The elf knew that right had to be the right way. The governor was certain he would soon catch up with the incompetent half-breeds and when he did they would have to pamper him as he deserved. Lost amidst his thoughts, and whose thoughts were better to get lost in. The elf found the forestation to be getting way thicker. [color=6ecff6][b]"Annoying trees! How did those idiots manage to get through here without removing these things. Out of my way!" [/b][/color]The elf spoke up and channeled his light magic, creating beams which would slice open a path between the various trees and bushes. Frightening off any nearby animals and spiders still about. [color=6ecff6][b]"Aha! A path! I knew it, salvation from my troubles at last- what in the smooth elven arses is this?!"[/b][/color] The ever so considerate and patient governor noticed that the path he had taken was now being split into three separate paths. [color=6ecff6][b]"Which path leads to the idiots and what paths do not? Let see... what path would I take if I was an inbred imbecile and halfbreed? Why must I suffer the presence and existance of all these inferior things?"[/b][/color] The elf asked out to none in particular, the forest now being quiet and the more he wandered off, the deeper the forestation and more quiet it became. Had he taken the wrong turn? Not a chance. Such a thing could not happen to a esteemed individual such as himself. No such idocy was privileged for the less rich. Then the elf finally heard a sound, like a low roar and it took him by surprise. What in the world was this creature that had snuck up on him? Then he realized what it was. It was an unfamiliar feeling. Hunger. He was hungry. Poor hungry. Not just the gluttonous desire to eat something expensive for the sake of it or look down upon the poor. He was starving. How could he? He who shone brigher than any other? To have to feel like a poor person, the feeling was enough to make him want to throw up. The idea of poverty and him being in the same sentence, even mentally was abhorrent. [color=6ecff6][i]'This is all Feldrin's fault! That idiot got himself killed without my permission, and that idiotic pig-man and his duckfaced bitch. Damnable fairies and demons! The world would be better off without you.'[/i][/color] The elderly elf lamented his situation and where he was, someone had to be blamed for his unfortunate misplacement in the forest, without water, food, luxery and servants. He stopped for a moment and began to wonder, did he really take the middle path? He was so full in his thoughts, it might had been the most right one. But how? How could he had allowed himself to- No, this was the forest itself turning on him. It wasn't his fault, the forest was most likely serving something. Then came a sound again, not from his stomach but from above. A decently sized nut was falling down from a nearby tree. And up in the tree sat a familiar face, the squirrel from before, it was peeking down to the dinner it had just dropped by accident. Possibly due to it's size. The elf's eyes widened as he lunged towards the nut and grabbed it.[color=6ecff6][b] "Hah! I've got it! Fortune favours the beautiful!"[/b][/color] He said aloud triumphantly as the squirrel squeaked angrily at the elven thief. [color=6ecff6][b]"Oh you want this? Not a chance you fleabag, this is going down the elven inner circle. More precisely my inside."[/b][/color] The governor allowed a cruel chuckle as he cracked the nut's shell and began to pick out the nut within. He looked up towards the hungry squirrel with glee, the idea of this pitiful creature being on the receiving end of this stroke of luck filled him with more determination. But he was tired. Way tired. He had to find a place to rest at soon... but the forest was so dirty.