[@Iceheart] [@vancexentan] [i]"I don't mean trouble. All the same if you cause it I'm not as weak as I look.[/i] Okora turned to look at the Hera Clan solder and smirked slightly at his words. Her people had met them a few times and she had known one that had set up shop on Planet Vegeta at one point. "If it makes you feel better big guy, I doubt any of us here are capable of causing trouble right now. I'm pretty much out of power at the moment and I think the only way I could get more is if my hair turns that weird, gold-green color again and believe me, I don't want to do that." She shuddered slightly at the feelings that had overcome her with that transformation. She didn't like it. At all. It had felt [i]wrong[/i]. [i]"I suppose survivors would be the appropriate term at this time considering our location. While I would love to hear more about each of you, I believe our current priority should be information gathering on the surrounding area."[/i] She motioned her thumb at the machine mutant. "I agree with the tin-man over here. We need to find out more about where we are and what happened here. This place looks like it got the hell beat out of it. And those piles of ash everywhere...Something horrible happened here and I'd rather not end up as a pile of ash."