[hider=Duster][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/00a16538-ccfc-41e7-96ed-26838d4bcbfc/d5n1udw-a929b6a1-d884-44c5-908f-60452aceb714.png/v1/fill/w_900,h_1456,q_80,strp/rockman_zx3___vega__with_gun__by_tomycase_d5n1udw-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xNDU2IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDBhMTY1MzgtY2NmYy00MWU3LTk2ZWQtMjY4MzhkNGJjYmZjXC9kNW4xdWR3LWE5MjliNmExLWQ4ODQtNDRjNS05MDhmLTYwNDUyYWNlYjcxNC5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.ZPJF7YKXmtMLXB0hmIBgkkfAchrnXyq0rxXGx-QXZnM[/img] [b]Serial Number:[/b] LX-2972A [b]Name:[/b] Lex [b]Codename:[/b] Duster [b]Race:[/b] Reploid [b]Gender:[/b] Male/He [b]Personality:[/b] While largely a secretive sort, Lex still adheres to a personal code of honor that demands trust between squad mates. It can be viewed as paradoxical at times, as Lex rarely talks about himself and clams up whenever anyone presses him for personal information. He doesn't have any strong views regarding the Crimson Nova. Overall he treats the crisis as little more than a job he is contracted to complete. He comes off like a mercenary because of these views, but one who is also a man of his word. [b]Biography:[/b] Lex was first created almost 30 years ago. And unlike most Reploids, who are built with almost superhuman appearances, Lex was curiously designed to much more accurately resemble a human being, from his build to even his facial features. The purpose for his creation was, at the time, considered questionable at best. In most states, it is often illegal for Reploids to be created to resemble real life people due to ethical debates. But one robotics engineer, Jared Statler, risked his reputation and career to ignore those laws when he created Lex. He had recently lost his son Alex, a law enforcement officer killed in the line of duty. Wracked with grief, Jared believed that Lex would be a way for him to still have a son. The creation of this Reploid reignited the ethical debates, with some viewing Jared's actions as understandable while others believed he was losing his mind to do such a thing. As for the Reploid himself, Lex remained benign enough at first. But issues soon arose as the human memories he'd been programmed with began to clash with the more hard-lined logic of the Reploid. It sent Lex spiraling into an existential crisis, seemingly unable to discern whether he was the human named Alex or Reploid LX-2972A. He lashed out and attacked Jared when the latter tried to calm him, resulting in Jared Statler's death. For most people, that was it. The Reploid was largely believed to have gone Maverick and thus orders were given for Maverick Hunters to bring him in. Lex ran, but had no combat capabilities, and so the Hunters caught up to him without much effort. But they didn't count on Lex's personality codes going haywire enough that he triggered his own self-destruct sequence. Lex exploded and the blast took out the Hunters that were bringing him in. For the most part, it appeared the case was closed. But LX-2972A hadn't quite perished that day, his body was in pieces but much of his CPU was still in tact. His parts were gathered by scavengers who sold them to a buyer on the black market. That buyer used the surviving parts in addition to foreign parts he possessed to rebuild the self-destructed Reploid. When reactivated, the Reploid reacted as if he were still being chased by Maverick Hunters and tried to flee. He was now equipped with weapons and even armor that allowed him to force his way out to freedom. He spent a long time after that in isolation, eventually able to repress the human memories and fully embrace himself as a Reploid. That was when he gave himself the name Lex, the name having come from the first two letters of his serial number, "LX". Since he had apparently been redesigned for combat, Lex was found himself doing occasional mercenary work. Crimson Nova was in full swing by this point, and so whatever controversy had arisen from his original creation had been all but forgotten. And even if there were still some that remembered the incident from 30 years ago, Lex's combat overhaul had provided him enough alterations to his physical appearance that he no longer resembled what he looked like back then, at least not while he was donned his combat armor form. His most recent job was as part of a unit that was about to make a routine patrol in the Quarantine Zone. [b]Weaponry/Abilities:[/b] Lex's combat overhaul is based largely on technology that predates the use of Bio-Metal. As such he is instead equipped with a hand blaster and energy saber, common weaponry for Reploid units. In addition to that, his leg armor is equipped with thrusters meant for dashing on the ground and flying/hovering for short periods. The coat he wears is made from a synth-fabric capable of altering its colors. That combined with his armor's ability to do the same allows him to blend into backgrounds and surroundings for stealth purposes. His combat armor is of course designed for long-term sustainability, able to reduce battle damage a considerable amount and also capable of draining shield and weapon energy from fallen foes in order to replenish its energy while out on the field. Lex himself has been programmed with an adaptability combat protocol that allows him to rapidly analyze and master the use of any weapon he comes into the possession of outside of his own. [b]Misc:[/b] TBD[/hider]