Leyla hung inverted from the pipework, a small hydrospanner clenched between her teeth. Getting from the exhaust port into the main shafts of the ship had been the work of a moment. A quick patch to prevent alarms from sounding had been all that was necessary, the lack of security wasn't particularly strange, after all it was only an exhaust port, what possible trouble could it be? "Mmmmhh ommmn mhhh wahhh," she replied over the commlink, the hydrospanner making a hopeless hash of her reply as she worked the last bolt free and prized the panel open with a gentle pop. Letting her legs relax she curled her body acrobatically and twisted through the gap falling another meter or so to land softly in the air duct. Pulling out the data pad Cleo had given her she consulted the schematics, orienting herself in the maze of ductwork that comprised the inner workings of the ship. It took her a moment, maintenance probably hadn't occured since the ship came into Jabba's slimy hands, and the serial numbers which identified the junction points were badly corroded, the third intersection she reached was legible and she turned right, crawling on her hands and knees, pads of fabric rapped around them to deaden the sound. Below her she could hear grunts and conversations in Klatooinian which reinforced the data pads claim that she was still in the working section of the ship rather than on the luxurious casino decks. Distantly she could hear the sound of pots clashing and smell the odor of cooking dewback steaks. "It should take me about another ten minutes to reach the bridge section," she elaborated on her previous unintelligible reply. A shaft yawned open infront of her that ran from the ventral to the dorsal side of the ship and carried turbolifts, she looked down and up to make sure no cars were in motion and then leaped across and up to catch hold of a maintaince bar, before flipping herself and kicking off to the next one, ascending the shaft level by level.