[h2][sup]Reclaimer[/sup][sub]Corsica[/sub][/h2] Her strategy, if it could be called that, worked. Using every single mine may have been overkill, but it worked. They had one less problem to deal with. Corsica couldn't help but marvel at the how the flames danced on the trees. Truly, it was a powerful sight. One that caused her vocalizer to emit a faint, hoarse laugh. There wasn't really much time to gawk at her work. She continued to run with Linus, the occasional boost from the ether causing her to oddly stumble. Not enough to trip, but enough to make her running disjointed as she accidentally took steps either too short or too long. Like a flash of light or loud crash, the sudden usage of ether only contributed to sensory overload. A slight distraction. With Linus gaining line of sight, so too did Corsica. There wasn't actually much for Corsica to do besides shoot it. Such was the life of someone who specialized in dealing with biohazards; she could only perform in regular combat in a limited capacity. Besides her go-to plans of shoot, mine, and silicon-carbide blades, there wasn't really much strategy she could add. Under the request of another, she'd just try to fire some rounds at the target. Who knew, maybe they'd set the ground underfoot on fire and that'd mess something up. Though, her firing pace was much more relaxed than Linus'. The encroaching fires from the forest didn't pose much of a threat to Corsica. The plasma mortar certainly did, but she'd only die here if it was her fate to die. Anyways, she started firing.