[hider="Sage"][center] [H1][color=8dc73f] S A G E [/color][/h1] [H3][i]A S A B O V E , S O B E L O W .[/i][/H3] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/4e5558c7-68bc-4e74-9b6e-9b91ba4b4a18/de7rwjf-3d2f1596-6832-4702-ba34-3d0350f8b6dd.jpg/v1/fill/w_819,h_976,q_70,strp/uglydramadtiys_by_hyanide_de7rwjf-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xOTA4IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNGU1NTU4YzctNjhiYy00ZTc0LTliNmUtOWI5MWJhNGI0YTE4XC9kZTdyd2pmLTNkMmYxNTk2LTY4MzItNDcwMi1iYTM0LTNkMDM1MGY4YjZkZC5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTYwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.3q-vQeHN8gPWec3GSm6wCIXb0mhLPlReMCup88ejM00[/img] [u][b]Name -[/b][/u] Delilah Ann Shipton [b][u]Nicknames -[/u][/b] "Lilah" usually, "Lil" occasionally. [b][u]Alias -[/u][/b] "Sage" [b][u]Age -[/u][/b] 24 [b][u]Birthday -[/u][/b] Feb 13th [b][u]Sex -[/u][/b] Female [b][u]Species -[/u][/b] Human Witch [b][u]Ethnicity -[/u][/b] White [b][u]Nationality -[/u][/b] American - [b][u]Personality -[/u][/b] Gentle, sometimes timid. Very empathetic and compassionate. Typically serene and collected. [b][u]Height -[/u][/b] 5'6" [b][u]Weight -[/u][/b] 140 lbs [b][u]Hair -[/u][/b] Naturally blonde but maintained at an artificial bubblegum pink [b][u]Eyes -[/u][/b] Green [b][u]Voice -[/u][/b] gentle and soothing, with an Northern American accent [b][u]Languages -[/u][/b] English [b][u]Biography -[/u][/b] Delilah is the direct descendant of one of the most prominent clairvoyants in history; a woman who predicted the plague, the Great Fire of London, inventions of iron ships and internet, as well as the fates of many distinguished leaders. Mother Shipton's lineage brought her greatness as well as similar gifts down her bloodline to Delilah and her mother and brother. Many hid their talents for the most part, including her mother. Delilah's mother began her teachings to her children when they were very young. It was almost unheard of for the men to receive a Gift, but Delilah's brother was not exactly "blessed" with his. His gift limits him to seeing and communicating with those who are no longer living. Not all entities are considerate or pleasant and Finn quickly abandoned advancing his skills in favor of attempting to suppress them or cope with them. Around the same time, he stopped joining his sister and father on their hunting expeditions. He doesn't talk about it, but the two seem related. Delilah usually experienced her abilities when touched or prompted and with high focus or aids. When she turned 23, she had been out celebrating with friends and her brother when she experienced her first unprompted vision. That of an accident involving her mother. Delilah and Finn quickly contacted their father in an attempt to prevent the tragedy but it transpired just as her vision had showed her. Soon after, their father found living in their family home much too painful to endure. He tried listing the home but couldn't bring himself to sell it, much to Delilah's relief. Her brother spiraled downwards quickly and their father leased an apartment for himself and his son to live in and allowed Delilah to live in and care for the home they grew up in, per her request. He tries to meet her in neutral places but still has to visit on occasion to help her with maintenance. Finn hasn't seen his sister in months now and Delilah is most often alone at home with her cat, Nox. - [u][b]Powers -[/b][/u] ~ Clairvoyance - able to envision the past, present or near future when prompted and occasionally unprompted. Touching significantly increases the likelihood or intensity of her sight. ~ Healing - an unnatural gift for healing abilities, she can heal wounds that would normally take a few days in several hours, or assist in healing things that would normally require intense correction from a specialist but the healing process is not as short as with wounds. ~ Protection spells and minor witchcraft when she has proper tools and time to follow rituals [u][b]Fighting Style -[/b][/u] Throughout her life, her father often took her hunting. She is most proficient with a bow or shotgun but will most often be using a compound crossbow and prefer to keep a distance from enemies. [u][b]Combat Abilities -[/b][/u] She does not possess any combat training but what she lacks in experience she makes up for in spirit. She also tries to avoid what she can with her sight. [u][b]Daily Skills -[/b][/u] Cooking is a skill of hers and cleaning is a frequent habit as it makes her feel more at peace. She is also able to field dress animals if it is needed or ever useful. - [u][b]Equipment -[/b][/u] Several spiritual knick-knacks may make an appearance at any given time. Her house is filled with them as well as a large assortment of plants and herbs she's grown herself. She normally carries an assortment of salves and balms as well as wraps and dressings for wounds. [u][b]Weapons -[/b][/u] Compound crossbow and two knives for personal protection. Both are locking switchblades. - [u][b]Likes -[/b][/u] plants, insects, animals, heping others, cooking and cleaning [u][b]Dislikes -[/b][/u] people touching her without warning or asking as it often prompts visions, mistreatment [u][b]Fears -[/b][/u] hurting others unintentionally, somehow becoming useless [u][b]Aspirations -[/b][/u] help her community, make her family and ancestors proud [u][b]Quotes -[/b][/u] "I can't be your hero, I'm not even my own protagonist." “The future isn’t set. I can see all of them.” [u][b]Theme Songs -[/b][/u] https://youtu.be/Uc0cq4Au0_g [/center][/hider]