Hm. My greatest RP failure is wanting to be in the perfect environment/head space to start writing. Obviously based on my post count and registration date here, you can guess how that's worked out. Across various sites, arenas/tournaments kept a kind of mandated frenzied pace / shit talk flow that would jar me out of it. And I do Pathfinder RP fairly often that scratches that creative bug, but it's easily my greatest flaw that I spend way more time thinking about than actually performing any writing. I think I've even spent more time creating characters, video game RPG style and reiterating on them over and over and over, than playing them. That "taking the plunge" step eludes me. In fact I'm already thinking about making some characters before I shape up and go into an RP proper again. lol My advice based on that is don't get into the habit of waiting for the stars to align like me; slap whatever shit down you can and be willing to fail sometimes. Because sub-optimal yet tangible beats optimal but at most hypothetical.