[quote=@The Wyrm] Another [@gorgenmast] special, how exciting! I'll try and turn my hand at a decent character. Is it safe, for comparison sake, to think the Undead are somewhat similar to those from World of Warcraft? They certainly have some rebellious types in there. I saw the bit where you had other races at one point. How do you feel about a human Crusade landing on the shores and taking a foot hold from which they attack the undead? [/quote] I'd be tickled to have you on board, Wyrm! My knowledge of Warcraft lore is a bit rusty, but I would say that the Scourge/Forsaken are a pretty apt comparison. The leadership caste of the undead - Revenants Major and Minor - have free will, as do the more intelligent of the mindful ghouls. That might make Eagoth's undead more capable of rebellion than Arthas'. Minor disobedience is common enough, but outright rebellion is still quite rare as Eagoth is exceptionally cruel and vengeful. Lady Teladriel's nascent resistance seems to be shaping up to be the first thing approaching an undead rebellion in 20-30 years. The price for which will be incredibly awful if she and her co-conspirators are caught. Other races are definitely present despite being rare. I am supportive of the idea of small pockets of living resistance on Leria. However, I would like all of the main player characters to be undead (a few living side characters are fine and expected). Catch me on discord/steam and we can hash something out.