[i]Not just the echo of footsteps now, but the faint rise and fall of Enasi's breath could be heard as well. It didn't even occur to him that moments ago, that was his own voice and not the voice in his head. He never thought such simple sounds could be such a magnificent thing. Nor did he think the sight of a Nightmare would be so pleasant. [b]This is...new.[/b] When Seishu spoke, Enasi let the words echo in his ears briefly. It was like hearing for the first time after being deaf for so long. Enasi uncurled from his sitting position and looked up at Seishu with a friendly smile. "It's... nice to see and hear someone. And, this is very lucid, but I don't think this is any hallucin-." His sentence was cut short as his hand brushed under him, preparing to stand. The solid surface wasn't cold and smooth. [b]It's soft? It's-[/b] "It's grass. And it's...here." Enasi ran his fingers through it and smiled. The feeling was soft and comfortable compared to the cold stone feeling before. When he looked into the darkness, he could then spot small twinkling lights in the distance. It kind of reminded him of stars in the sky. "This has never happened before." The Dream Guardian was just about to ask if Seishu experienced something like this, but he remembered what he said about being in complete nothing... That then reminded him of Seishu's question. 'Did he dream?' Well, not including this, that would've been a no. Enasi wasn't even sure what to call this event. Was it a dream? A creepy lucid one? Or merely a hallucination that had gotten his hopes up for nothing. [/i]