Mitch only gave a grin at Andy's words, maybe the human wasn't too bad after all. He glanced to Frosiien as she glanced towards the taller woman in the dress shirt, the same one that Andy was looking at. [i]"Fro..."[/i] Mitch said as he looked back to his legendary, who hesitated and moved over to the taller woman. Nygari looked down to Frosiien with an expressionless face, watching her child hesitate in speaking before she moved to pull her into a hug and buried her head into Frosiiens' hair. "It has been [i]years.[/i]" Nygari spoke gently to the Articuno. "I am so glad to see you." Frosiien hugged her mother back and held back the small amount of happy tears before she pulled away, "I have someone for you to meet." She said as she glanced back to Andy, she motioned for him to head over to her. Cloud bowed his head without a word towards Andy as he followed behind Tanter, listening to him as he talked to Niccia and Michael. Niccia nodded and quickly released Harry, who stood proudly from his Pokeball before he let out a loud sneeze and shook his entire body. As he shuddered from the sneeze, powdered snow suddenly flittered in the area around him. He opened his eyes and looked up towards the Legendaries in front of him, stepping back in shock. [i]"T...The beasts."[/i] Harry uttered out loud as he stared at them, feeling Niccia move to run her hand through his fur to calm him down. As soon as Missy was allowed out of her Pokeball, she moved to zip around before she felt a sudden wave of energy from the area and looked up to Cloud with widened eyes. [i]"Dad!"[/i] She barked happily as she ran up to him, the Raikou moving to pick her up as she got to his feet. "Hello little one." He said calmly as he held her carefully. Art looked over towards Merlin and Anthony as they flew over, moving to step aside to allow the smaller birds to sit on his branch. [i]"Hello again Merlin, who's the little fighter?"[/i] He asked with a tilt of his head, [i]"It's nice to see a Fletchling."[/i] Saveri grinned and spun around Jirachi as he asked how long it had been. [i]"It's been a good... 700 or so years?"[/i] He said with a bit of a shrug, [i]"I don't know. Time is weird~"[/i] Sparky moved towards Mindy and Gavin as everything else was going on, she body was going crazy with all the legendaries around but she managed to hold herself together. Sparky moved to sit on Mindy's foot and stared at the group with another yawn. Footsteps echoed from behind Gavin and Mindy, Gavin turned around protectively and stared towards the tall Decidueye that stared at him carefully. "Oh. Robin." Gavin said as he relaxed, before he realized if she was here then... He looked around quickly and stared towards the darkness as he stepped towards Mindy. "Where is she?" Robin tilted her head gently before she looked down to Sparky and looked towards Mindy, offering her wings to pick her up.