“Quite exhilarating, isn’t it?” Kalax responded to Vreta, carefully shuffling the kedgeree into a shallow bowl and sliding it across the island to him. He then did the same thing for 595, Freyr, Masgard and then himself. “Wallace was an Ambassador on Tind for a long time before becoming Plenipotentiary. I’m told she spent a year hosting the Sthrirad, to learn about it. Don’t worry about your Touch though, the Sthrirad can usually only stay in Human bodies for about six hours at a time, and Rothians about eight. She told me.” Kalax beamed. “I had a great time right here, for what it’s worth.” Masgard offered, tucking into his bowl of kedgeree. “I still think we could’ve got away with sampling a little more Rothian nightlife. Even if it was to cheer Miss Morose up.” 595 pouted. “Hey! I’m not morose. I’m also still struggling to remember much. Is that a good thing?” Freyr asked.