Even in subtlety, very few people dared to raise a threat against royalty. The presence, the authority, and the power the royal family monopolized was enough to make any sane human being to be careful that a royal would not perceive their words as threats or worse, blackmail. The reason was simple – the crown and her brood were capable of pronouncing judgment on the spot, seizing any and all rights of their subject, including their right to live. Coercing the wrong royal was comparable to treason. Nolan sensed the change in Luke by the time the princess elect finished her first statement. This particular royal was not fond of manipulations when the puppet master pulling the strings was not him. Luke did not appreciate how it sounded as if his fiancee twisted his arm to submission. Nolan’s employer stared at the princess elect a moment longer with his cool, emotionless, blue gaze. To an outsider, it would look as if the prince was idly watching his future bride, but Nolan knew it was otherwise. “Accidentally let it slip,” the prince enunciated every syllable slowly before looking away. A small smile on his lips, the kind that didn’t reach his eyes. “You forget who you are and who you are talking to, Rhiane Black.” The silence that followed was tense. Rhiane busied herself with her borrowed device, something Luke didn’t much care for at that moment, while Luke repeatedly cancelled incoming calls as he watched the scenery outside the window. His face was a blank mask shielding his thoughts from the outside world. He was not in the mood to discuss state affairs, because if he did talk to any of his staff, his frustrations and anger would come crashing down on the unfortunate soul. Such was both unprofessional and unacceptable. His duties to the crown and to the kingdom must be fulfilled with a clear and level head, free from emotional biases. Yet, his annoyance brought about by his fiancee’s unreasonable fixation to a piece of jewelry occupied his mind. Both he and she were aware that there was nothing romantic about their engagement. Whatever romantic fantasies weaved around their engagement was nothing but a fabrication of the PR Team. She did not love him. He should not be concerned about how she felt about him. An engagement ring, therefore, was nothing but a reminder that they were bound to a fate of a loveless marriage. As long as she did not breach the subject again, Luke kept his mouth shut. He watched the village pass by right before his eyes. It was very different from the capital – the houses were shabby, there were no tall buildings, the road was bumpy and laden with pot holes. The only saving grace was that the air was fresh and the trees many. Soon, they were rolling to a stop in front of a building. It must be the school Rhiane attended, based on the itinerary that Anelle prepared. And the people greeting them must be her teachers. All but that one person who must be about their age. Nolan invited Luke out the vehicle before the latter could raise a question to cross-examine the princess elect’s statement. Thankfully, the prince obliged. He stepped out of the vehicle first then made his way to the rear passenger door to help his fiancee down. Just like a perfect gentleman. He was quiet, still, as he followed to greet the other commoners. Media staff and crew were stationed around the building, but more unmanned cameras were installed at strategic spots in order to capture the best possible shot as well as help in surveillance of the area. “Is this the only school around?” He eyed the chipping paint, the broken windows, missing glass, and ultimately the obvious lack of building maintenance. Who was to say that the building would pose no risk of collapsing while students were inside. The prince turned to the older members of the welcome party if only because they looked as if they could give him more information compared to Rhiane’s “old friend.”