[img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5mZmQ4MDUuVDNOallYSWdWbUZ1WW5WeVpXNCwuMAAA/sophia-demo.regular.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/CCAXPFF.png[/img][hr] As much as witnessing their dad’s ghost piqued Oscar’s supernatural interest, he really didn’t want to stick around for it. Not after what had happened when he last saw the man - an argument he regretted but didn’t want to risk discussing in front of everyone. But he was also the main contact with the two experts. He didn’t want to just leave them, especially since Ezra had left. He sighed. He really didn’t want to face their father’s ghost, and he didn’t see it going anywhere. The cult seemed more important to him anyway, since they were the most obvious threat right now. Making up his mind, Oscar followed after Sabrina and Shane. [color=Gold]“I don’t think going after them alone is the brightest idea,”[/color] Oscar commented, coming up behind Sabrina. [color=Gold]“At least let me come with you, if that’s what you plan to do. I have a bit more… supernatural knowledge if they try to pull anything.”[/color] [hr][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE0Mi5kZDcyZjMuVkhWNVpXNGd4SkJ2dzZCdS4w/you-wont-bring-me-down.regular.png [/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/KD3f87e.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Poza6NO.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/IbfJHzd.png?1[/img][/center] [hr] [quote=Alexander]"If you want, I could try to summon the old man's ghost from the afterlife for a while, try to get answers. I don't think he'd like to have a conversation with me, though. Not after what happened long ago."[/quote] Trisha had been following along with what Alexander said up until this point, but she really didn’t agree with this. [color=MediumSlateBlue]“What help is summoning him gonna do? He didn’t help us in life, why would he now that he’s dead?” [/color] She then turned to Justin. [quote=Justin]"And do we know how many wives or other... lovers he has? It could narrow it down, but honestly we don't have a whole lot of leads."[/quote] [color=MediumSlateBlue]“No idea how many wives or lovers he had,”[/color] Trisha sneered, rolling her eyes. [color=MediumSlateBlue]“Too many to count. Why do you think there’s so many of us? Excluding all our parents there’s probably plenty more we don’t know about.” [/color] So yeah, while she was pretty convinced it was an ex-wife or lover or other sibling they didn’t know about she didn’t have any leads when it came to that. So that wasn’t going anywhere and some of her siblings went off to get changed. She followed with this, because she was cold and still soaked and the house wasn’t exactly protected from the outside temperature anymore. She was tempted to just stay in her room after changing into much warmer clothes, but some twisted interest led her back to the dining room. Tuyen was freezing and positively miserable when she watched the remaining Vanburens go to get changed. After being hit with water not just once, but twice, her only saving grace was the super thick jacket she’d worn. But even with that she was shivering and her teeth were chattering, so she stayed silent for the whole discussion. In the time waiting for the Vanburen’s to return she moved closer to Justin so she was right next to him, in the hope that he might radiate some heat that would stop her from getting hypothermia. [color=MediumOrchid]“I hope we’re going to leave after this, I really need a change of clothes before we do anything else,”[/color] she said quietly while watching Alexander summoning his dead father. The first sight she was hit with was a completely naked, old ghost. Tuyen felt bile rise up in the back of her throat and instantly looked away. Her shivering was now only half from the cold, half from disgust. If she hadn’t been gay before well… She was even less into men now. Gross. She felt like she was going to throw up. [color=MediumSlateBlue]“Fucking hell, wear some clothes!”[/color] Trisha hissed, her already low opinion of James only worsening. She absolutely did not need to see that. She turned a glare towards Alexander. [color=MediumSlateBlue]“Summoning him was a terrible idea.”[/color] [color=MediumSlateBlue]“Any ex-lovers that you might have pissed off or other half siblings we don’t know about that might have done this?”[/color] Trisha added to what Alexander had said, though he’d already covered most of the bases. [color=MediumSlateBlue]“Because it’s really fucking inconvenient.”[/color]