[color=00aeef][i]Cinnamon.[/i][/color] Crystal thought as she stood up and squared her shoulders. [color=00aeef][i]Should have gone with cinnamon.[/i][/color] She glanced back at where the two shots gunfire came from. [color=00aeef][i]... Apple, perhaps? But that would be overstepping...[/i][/color] As she thought this, her gaze travelled to where the first shot hit, noticing that she wasn't the only one who had been grabbed by their would-be kidnappers. Sure, there was Captain Wei being grappled behind her, but she was a trained soldier and had two of the other girls backing her up. She hadn't even heard Selma's comment on Chie, being too focused on escaping when she said it, but now Chie had her [i]full[/i] attention. Crystal took one last look at the two who had grabbed her, noticing as they step back a little. Perfect. She bit down hard on the gum in her mouth before she turned and booked it towards Chie, her footsteps loud enough to draw the attention of her target, the man(?) turning their head towards her as Chie broke out of their grip. Within range of the abductor, she slammed her foot down and threw all the force she could muster into a punch towards their left temple, moving inwards to catch their face if they backed up or tried to turn away. She turned towards Chie for a moment, just long enough to say [color=00aeef]"Get to the others."[/color] before rebalancing her weight, shifting her footing, and slamming her left knee into the kidnapper-to-be's stomach. She pulled back and waited for Chie to start moving before getting between her and the two wounded attackers, slowly taking steps away from them while keeping an eye both on them and on her own assailants. With any luck, Rivka could give her cover until their guards got back up. [color=00aeef][i]What a way to start school.[/i][/color]