[@Double][@PPQ Purple][@NacNak][@King Kindred][@KillamriX88] And just like that, the situation instead of getting better, it got much worse. The idiotic female Buu started to go on a rampage fueled for whatever knows what reason. Flying people appearing, and getting kicked out. The saiyan girl who held the Kai going golden. Was that the legendary state that monkey prince full of crap was always bragging about? It seemed a nice transformation. The Freeza guy, panicking but oddly polite demanding answering. And some girl that remembered him of Yemma's followers spouting things about the sacred status of the Kaioken. He never knew that quirky South Kai could appear so holy in that regard. All he liked were stupid jokes, anyway. Half raising an eyebrow at the chaos, he then shook his head and then looked at the polite Freeza and the new alien girl. At least they were asking and not punching people. [i]We're gonna die terrible deaths, and the entire existance will be gone with us for being morons, that's what happening.[/i] He thought to himself, before raising a finger telling the Freeza lookalike to wait for a second. "Give me a second." He said to Ovaan, once again snapping his fingers with the Magic Materialization and creating a latest model microphone with an amplifier who would not look outside of a rock concert. [b]"If you people would be so kind to turn your attention here...I'll explain what I know. First of all, meet the Supreme Kai of Time, who is currently undisposed due to the stress of her job being the deity who governs time. In a last ditch effort, she plucked us out of our timelines to fight a yet-as unknown menace and placed us in this wreck I believe it's called Conton City. Wish I knew more, but until she wakes up we won't know."[/b] He paused. [b]"I'd like to mention I hate saiyans, I hate Freeza, I hate Majin Buu, and I hate being plucked out of the fight of my life, but hopping around like a demented grasshopper and using the amplifying technique known as Kai-o-ken won't achieve anything but waste time."[/b] He continued. [b]"We need to heal the Kai back into shape and round up the remaining stragglers for this briefing. We should get moving to do both things. As I've said, each waste of breath is a reality being erased."[/b] He continued. [b]"Lastly, my name is Yaksha, and I look forward to work with you... and see that we don't die horribly in the process."[/b] He added, before switching the microphone off, and looking at Ovaan. "Now, I must beg you pardon, Lord Freeza, but I do not think we can have tea and crumpets here and discuss the situation much in depth, I trust this much information will satisfy you." He added, in a more personal statement. "And you, miss. If you have any wounds, I'll see that they are treated as I heal the Kai." He added before turning to face the depleted body of the Supreme Kai to start his healing.