[img]https://i.imgur.com/lWLDt0d.png[/img] [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent]Hiro was taken a bit aback by another arrival. Apparently, in addition to another team and a Kumo chunin, they would also be joined by a strange masked shinobi. Hiro eyed the mask, trying to recall what it meant. [color=#C1E4D5][i]An... ANBU? Something like that. Are they coming, too?[/i][/color] The man gave a rather stinging analysis of both Mizuraki-sensei and the team, comparing them to the more Spartan Ichika-sensei. He couldn't help but begin to feel insecure about himself and his own abilities. First the chunin had remarked on the group as just kids, then this Hideo person outright stated that between the two teams, Mizuraki's was the lesser. Incompetent. He had withdrew within himself when he heard both Ichika-sensei and Mizuraki-sensei sharply respond to the man. It seemed he had ruffled quite a few feathers here, to the point where Mizuraki-sensei seemed ready to draw blood. When their exchange ended, she returned her attention to her team. Where once she had given them a cheerful and earnest greeting, she now looked all business. In that moment, Hiro felt an emotion he hadn't felt before surge through his chest. Mizuraki-sensei began detailing the organization of their team and how they would cover each others weaknesses, coming up with a simple and easy-to-follow formation, but Hiro also could tell that it was dangerously effective. Is this what operating as a team was like? The emotion flared, and Hiro couldn't stop his eyebrows from narrowing or his lips to curve into a grin. He felt elation, excitement, and a little nervousness, but that feeling in his chest was different. A challenge was placed in front of him and for what felt like the first time in his life, he felt like his pride was on the line. Alongside Bakuto, it was his job to apply pressure on foes while Remi would decide the best tool for cementing victory. Their teacher then warned them against pursuing glory, and that filling their assigned role was instrumental in achieving success. Hiro committed this to memory, noting her grave tone. He nodded, giving her an energized [color=#C1E4D5][b]"Yes, sensei!"[/b][/color] He looked over as Bakuto pointed out something that had been looming over the group: the absolute nonsense of this arrangement. This was a truly massive amount of manpower they had amassed. Even if the majority of the people were fresh-faced genin, they were with four older, stronger shinobi. On top of that, they were taking this force into the domain of another sovereign nation, one that was once an enemy. When Bakuto mentioned capture and touched his prosthetic arm, Hiro's heart froze and he had to fight the instinct to immediately grip his own arm as well. Remi pointed out that such a strange assignment must have been decided by the higher-ups, and probably as a last-minute shift. That notion resonated within Hiro as well. He swallowed the bit of fear that had built after Bakuto's comments and spoke up. [b][color=#C1E4D5]"As long as we stick to Mizuraki-sensei's instructions and work as a team, we'll get through this!"[/color][/b] He smiled reassuringly at both teammates. [b][color=#C1E4D5]"This is definitely pretty weird, and I wasn't anticipating these... numbers."[/color][/b] He subtly, or possibly not as subtly as he thought, side-eyed Hideo, more out of a mild intimidation than any rudeness or dismissal. Despite only just being put on the team, he already felt like he had to show the ANBU that their team was far from incompetent. [color=#C1E4D5][b]"But either way, this is a good chance to prove ourselves as competent shinobi. Plus, who knows? We might even impress the Hokage."[/b][/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]