The wolf looks around, surveying the surrounding landscape. He feels like the world and prey are against him, having to bare his teeth to the world to protect himself and his once proud heart that was filled with light. Once arriving he was happy and looking forward to a fresh start in new territory but as time went on, the past repeated for the lone wolf as abandonment repeated itself. The fur of the once white wolf was turning black like the night sky, while alone it saw the other animals flourishing and for the most able to tolerate each other's presence. But for the wolf, this never came easy to him at all. Despite him coming as friendly to those around him as the past darkness returned stealthily and engulfed him and ripped any good he had garnered for himself as this was the results like before. This was no blast from the past at all in any sort of way for the wolf either as he felt more and more out of place with the animals around him. Compassion, understanding, empathy. All of the animals had this, showed it in spades to the other animals around them. But to the wolf? He got none of that, not even a passing glance of it either as the treatment of him continued. The animals continued to treat him like he was just sort of 'outside the box' or in this case 'outside of nature'. The once pure wolf, who had received none of even anything positive as long as he could remember is now as dark as the night sky and filled with anger and frustration. The information they have on the wolf and what was said is false and wrong, the wolf knew this and it only burned him up further on the inside upon hearing it with it's acute hearing. [i]'They don't understand.'[/i] The wolf thought to himself. [i]'The trials I have been through, the things I have seen from the results of their lies. They brand themselves right but I know they are not, they have no idea and are spoiled rotten by their gains that came as natural as the air around us.'[/i]