[i]What is happening.[/i] Dimly, she can feel the tickle of the dress smoldering, smell the acrid stink of silk starting to burn, and is sad. It may not have been a dress of her choosing, but it was... Is it wrong of her to feel sad at its impending destruction? She felt pretty. It's a silly thing to focus on, but it's something to take her mind off of no seriously, what the fuck is happening. One second she's wrinkling her nose, assembling a sentence to try to refute Bella and then-- Did everybody know about this? Have the rest of the crew been excluding her from this, keeping her in the dark? Why would they do that? It's the smoke from the dress causing the prickling around her eyes. She flicks from one to the other, before grumbling and picking her spear from her belt. Redana may regret it later, but she's still her ward. And Alexa is, at heart, a defender. She'll keep the Kaeri off her back so... Redana? Still, she thinks? can have her alone time with Bella.