[hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LpDeg8r.png[/img] [hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color] St. David's Hospital - Cardiff [color=0080ff]Skills:[/color] Blindsense (Passive) [/center] [hr][hr] Oliver was there trying to defend her. He was being sweet and selfless, even if he was acting as if that Fury was the real one. A part of her still believed she hadn't seen the real Fury since she had gone into the program, something changed after. Yeah, she failed a lot but they as a group succeed in fixing those mistakes. However, she had saved the whole world and her sister. She had beat Ultron before he had even been alive. And she changed the world so much in the process she had her sister again. And everyone else that had been lost in the quantum realm was back and alive. And Bonnie was alive. Yeah, she might be dating the jerk Flynn but she was alive to do that because of her. Because she had changed the world so much countless deaths never happened. So fuck this bear. Fuck her self doubt. She couldn't stand-up. Her life was leaving through her leg but she didn't need to. Niah lifted her hand and closed it nearly to a fist only her middle finger still up in a salute. Fuck you. Niah didn't know if she even said it but the words were there in the air between her and everything she had ever done in her life. And she knew she'd never change any of it, not again. She liked where she got in her life. She was proud of herself. And so what if she died? At least she had done so proudly and fearless. The bear stopped. Its paw paused midair and then it turned to dust. Like some terrible vampire film. The bear was gone. Oh. She looked up at Oliver. [color=0080ff]"Hey. You did it."[/color] She smiled at him and things went dim. [hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RGqiibs.png[/img] [hr] [color=004d00]Location:[/color] Ellis Island - Quinjet [color=004d00]Skills:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] Well, he hadn't been expecting the President. Matt wasn't American so he didn't have a lot of opinions about who the president was, as long as it wasn't the orange guy again. Matt shuddered at the thought. Cass was their best pilot, so they couldn't take off without her, but now they had to figure out if the President was the President or another Skrull. The ship he crashed had done a good job of taking out the attackers at least. [color=004d00]"President or Skrull, he isn't flying this ship if that's how he lands all the time."[/color] Apparently humor was how Matt dealt with having everything he believed be destroyed in one sentence. Where could they go for safety? They had to assume that more people had been switched with Skrull. They needed to touch bases with Oliver and Niah and learn what they had found out.