[b]OOC:[/b] Apologies for late response; uni work is picking up the pace again ^^;! [b] Bridge of the Pirate Vessel:[/b] Talia kept her eyes on the droid as it aimed the weapon it held at her and heard the hum as it charged up. Perhaps she'd miscalculated with regard to the nature of the droid? Perhaps it was programmed for indiscriminate slaughter, regardless of threat presented? That line of thought however, was soon disproven as the droid held still, not firing upon her but not relaxing its guard an inch either. Talia estimated that it was likely running differening scenarios, calculating the probability of each possible outcome, to determine its next course of action. It had clearly seen that she was armed, yet it also just as clearly had realised that she hadn't drawn her weapons when she had the opportunity and that she was seated in a position that made her an easy target for it. Her musings as to what the outcome of that might be were ended when the droid took a single step forwards and spoke. "RELINQUISH YOUR WEAPONS," it demanded as it motioned towards them with it's weapon before aiming back at her middle. "IF YOU SHOW ANY SIGNS OF HOSTILITY YOU WILL BE FIRED UPON," it warned her as it slightly adjusted it's stance, its glowing orange eye's staring into her own. Talia kept her golden eyes locked to the droid's orange ones, before slowly moving her hands, making sure that the droid could easily keep track of her movements, as she unfastened the weapons from the belt of the space-suit and dropped them at her feet. "I have not, in the entire time you have been aboard this vessel, shown you any hostility whatsover," she replied in tranquil tones, "or even before that, for that matter. It was the crew of this vessel- a group of pirates- who made the ill advised decision to fire upon you. However, you need not take my word for it. I don't doubt that you're perfectly capable of playing back the memories you have of the battles aboard this ship [i]and[/i] keeping me in your sights. Take a look and see if I ever once made [i]any[/i] hostile move towards you". Having said that, Talia watched the droid carefully. Though neither of them broke eye contact as an instrument panel beeped again, the sound did remind Talia that there were others aboard the vessel and she addressed the droid again. "Whatever your estimation of me," she said, still keeping her voice calm and even, "you should know that there are now others besides us aboard this ship. Given the sector of space we are in, the type of ship they arrived in and the manner of their approach, I would say that they are smugglers. They aren't here to help any survivors aboard this vessel, but to help themselves; primarily to information such as star-charts and communication frequencies, and also to anything in the ship's hold that catches their eye. Again, you need not take my word for it," she added as she slowly, clearly gestured in the direction of the instrument panel, "the instruments that will tell you what you need to know- the ones that are still functional- are over there. As you can see for yourself, you can easily move to check those instruments and keep me in your sights. If anything I have said proves false you are, of course, entirely at liberty to shoot me whenever you will. If all I have said bears out however, you might wish to consider that I am presently the one life-form aboard this vessel you know for certain poses you no threat and wishes you no harm".