The never ending buzz of sound and light that came with a place like the cantina were annoying at best, and downright frustrating to their worst. Kade had come here to think and found himself more or less unable to do anything other than watch the parade of beings go by. At any other time the joy of being-watching would not have been lost on him; one of his favourite things to do was watch and observe. But times were different and even as he slid into a small two person table, his back comfortably to the wall, he was awash with emotions and pain, so much pain. The table he had chosen was near the middle of the room, a faded cushion stained by liquids he likely did not want to know still felt comfortable despite its age. The table, a battered steel column topped with a reddish faux-wood, was crisscrossed with the markings of a thousand patrons, and more than a couple of blaster marks. Directly across from him, all its seats taken by a series of incredibly fat Snivvian females, all of whom had gaudy nails, garish fake wigs, was a series of slot machines that blared random noises and pings likely designed to be pleasing to the species playing them. To Kade, it was a headache in the making. A droid rolled over, someone had painted a smiling face on its otherwise featureless faceplate, and stopped in front of him. It's audio processor was clearly broken, a stream of static was all he could make out, but a screen flashed [b]ORDER?[/B] on its chest. "Phattro, neat and short." Kade spoke quickly and the droid wheeled away into the mass of beings. Kade estimated that several hundred bodies had been packed into the small space and, despite all the holoscreens playing, only one seemed to be covering the destruction on the surface. Most were showing Nuna-ball, it was the championship tournament, and a couple had the latest extreme para-sailing flashing images of gigantic waves and summersaulting contestants. That was another guilty pleasure he had once enjoyed, though his role in the Jedi Order had forbidden him from competing of course, something about an unfair advantage. Most Force sensitives were capable of detecting and interpreting the immediate, surface level thoughts, memories and emotions of most individuals around them by way of the Force, though this would often apply best to those who were emotionally or mentally overwrought and unbalanced. Kade was no different and he took several deep breathes to calm himself before slowly beginning to reach out with the force and gently touch on the minds of those around him. He sensed no innate hostility toward himself which allow him to relax slightly. He was surprised, however, when he felt the presence of another force user in the room. It didn't take him long to spot the very out of place young Zabrak. Actually, that wasn't fair to him, the Gungan caught Kades attention first. They weren't exactly common on Coruscant, and even less so down in the undercity. The only water down here was so badly polluted it ran nearly ink black at the best of times. Only when it rained did the surface water run grey, and only then because of the lighter grey dust and ash being washed down from the city above. From his distant table he was unable to make out any real features of the youth, or the Gungan, but there was no mistaking the Zabraks force sensitivity and how it stood out from everyone around him. Still, Kade dared not move, instead using the force to maintain a tenuous link with the unknown alien.