Let me get off my takes here and I'll get back to writing. [b]I'm okay with Sephiroth, I would have preferred Tifa but he makes enough sense I suppose. [/b] [b]Cyberpunk 2077 is aggressively average. Even if there wasn't a single bug it's essentially a futuristic Far Cry spin off with Fallout 4's dialogue and shooting.[/b] [b]The Last of Us 2 was a good game but it won too many awards. Ghost of Tsushima got shafted in a couple of categories. I'm glad Abby won the best performance though.[/b] [b]How can you announce Ark 2 when Ark 1 is still in pre-alpha?[/b] [b]I don't know how to feel about Mass Effect '4'. The trilogy was good for what it was but the story ended. Even if Andromeda was good it would have still been unnecessary. [/b]