[hr] Atop one of the towers of the Periwinkle Institute of Pokemon Academia a woman stands clad in a long black cloak. She held a Rotom phone up to her ear as a deep voice could be heard on the other end, her responses were short and hushed. [color=778899][i]"Yes sir.. Of course. Consider it done."[/i][/color] Dr. Toshika Okamaru looked out across the miserable grey sea as storm clouds began to move in on the island. A soft drizzle began to fall around her. Across the horizon she could see a small white fleck bobbing this way and that. [color=778899][i]"I see it now, they'll be here within the hour. I will have an answer before this evening for you sir."[/i][/color] Just at that moment the sound of expensive loafers on concrete came from behind. Dr. O hung up her phone and casually turned. Headmaster Andres Beauregard gave a friendly smile as he leisurely approached, hands in his pockets. [right][color=salmon][i]"What are you doing up here? They're going to arrive within the hour and we aren't even set up yet."[/i][/color][/right] Toshika nodded and looked back over her shoulder at the ferry approaching. [color=778899][i]"Yes I see it. I had a personal call. Apologies sir."[/i][/color] Toshika spoke coldly. Andres tried to read her as she strode past, never once even looking at him. Andres was suspicious of her but he was too intelligent to let that show, so he gave a small chuckle before he spoke. [right][color=salmon][i]"No need to apologize we all have lives. And also, Toshika you don't have to call me sir. We've been friends for over a decade. C'mon now.[/i][/color][/right] [hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201221/c49e93206071b83c08b04c1913bd365a.png[/img][/center] [hr] A small crew of Wingull lead by a pair of Pelipper flew over the ferry as it made its way slowly toward the Academy. From the bow of the ship the Academy's skyline could be seen breaking up the monotonous grey cloudy sky the ferry had been driving towards for the last few hours. Many students stood on the bow of the ship pointing and shouting to one another about the island ahead of them as rain gentle fell in waves across the ferry. On the bottom level of the ship, where only a few students were, Attica Grey found herself chewing on her eraser with her nose deep in a book titled "Electrical Design series 6; Practical Analog Semiconductor Circuits & Microcircuits". She made a few notes in the corners of the text book before she realized she was in public and chewing on erasers was strange. She gave a quick glance around and noticed one of [url=https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2019/10/14/dsc_6921_vagabon_eid_68-edit_custom-9b708a388fd209845dec3e73d1c69f7a2a59cb14.jpg]the other passengers[/url] was staring at her intently. Attica's eyes flicked back and forth before she raised her eyebrows curiously at this woman staring daggers at her. When there was no indication of a response Attica began to grow anxious. She collected her belongings, stuffing them in her tote bag and began to make her way to the stairs, away from the staring person. She came out to the deck of the ship and saw the Academy for the first time, the skyline was incredible with multiple towering spires flanked by a brightly lit campus. Attica could see the docks they were headed for and could even see some sort of town on the far side away from the academy. Lost in admiration for their destination Attica failed to notice [url=https://d26oc3sg82pgk3.cloudfront.net/files/media/edit/image/34349/article_full%401x.jpg]a boy[/url] standing before her waiting for her to clear the staircase. After a few moments he spoke. [color=CD853F][i]"Uh hello? Hi. Other people exist so let's make some fucking space for them? Thanks."[/i][/color] Attica stared at him for a moment confused before noticing she was in the way, he raised his eyebrows at her and made an expression like a bewildered animal. Embarrassed she made room for him to pass and mumbled some sort of apology but her voice was lost in the shouts of others. She popped out her PokeNav Plus and checked for any texts or emails, hoping someone at home was reaching out to her but there was none. She sighed and took a seat nearby where she could watch the island grow in the horizon as her mind wandered somewhere else. Attica found herself back in the hospital, two months ago, sitting beside her father's bed. She held his hand in hers and noticed how thin and bony he had become over this time. His chest rose and fell in time with the beeping of machines attached to him. [color=CAA5E6][i]"I've been accepted to the Academy. The one I told you about? I leave in a few weeks."[/i][/color] She was met by the continuous cold beeping as his chest rose and fell. [color=CAA5E6][i]"I really wish you could've seen the pictures of the campus. They have some of the craziest stuff there apparently like a machine that can get insight on a Pokemon's preferences and there is a whole study happening there right now about alternative Rotom forms. It is pretty cool stuff. And also-"[/i][/color] Her voice fell away from her as she searched her father's face for any indication he was even listening. But there was none. Attica came back to the present with the sound of emotionally charged voices, angrily firing back at one another. It sounded troubling to her, so she stood and headed in the direction of the commotion to find out what was happening. [hr]