[center][sub][color=gray][h3]Doombreaker[/h3][/color][color=skyblue][h3]Penrose[/h3][/color][/sub][/center] This wasn't exactly Mizo's thing, being in dress-up distance of her friend's ara~ara~ing mother and all, but it was fine, she wasn't exactly wrong when she said Mizo should've done better, but nothing can be done about that now. They were doing an espionage mission involving stealth, which meant that having Penrose, her teacher, on this mission was absolutely paramount. There's a reason Zeal is the Number One, but there's a reason Zeal couldn't ever stand a chance against catching Penrose, her quirk and her skillset made her the ultimate ghost in the night for things like this. [color=gray]"Maybe I should knock their door down and distract them, so you and Mei can steal information a little easier. Won't be too hard for me..."[/color] She offered to everyone. This isn't Japan, if Mizo barrels through the gates and makes a scene, they will shoot to kill, but the bad guys didn't know was that Mizo could take bullets, armor or no armor. If her armor broke apart her skin wouldn't allow bullets through anyway, and her bones were stronger than steel. This was the best role for a hero like her. All she had to do was punch until the job was done. [color=skyblue]"Well, that does sound...distracting..."[/color] Talia, better known as Penrose to most, humored her student a little. She knew full well that this was Mizo's method of dealing with things, so she wasn't surprised, but she also knew Mizo well enough to understand that just because Mizo had a reputation for smashing things first before thinking, doesn't mean she wasn't smart enough to think about her situation. [color=skyblue]"I know you're not foolish enough to go in blindly, so I won't lecture about being careful, but we don't know what manner of weaponry they're hoarding behind those walls, if we did, we wouldn't be here in the first place. This is an espionage mission, which I have spent many years specializing in,"[/color] she reminded her and Kimi, [color=skyblue]"during espionage, less noise results in more time. More time results in more information. More information results in us being able to combat Detgif easier. It's best you avoid the frontal assault tactic this time."[/color] Penrose crossed one of her legs over the other, she was in her hero outfit, all black, knee high boots, long knifes at her sides, she looked quite intimidating. Talia knew full well what her two students were capable of, Kimiko's threads were a rather strange thing, it was unlikely any villains had seen a quirk with such control over another. Mei would likely stick with Mizo to keep her from doing something brash, and Aurora belonged with Talia, their skills blended well together, and the nature of Talia's quirk often made her wonder if she could override the pain of Aurora's quirk. [color=skyblue]"Aurora, you'll go with me when we sneak away, your quirk is the best one to team with me, and I was thinking about something. My quirk allows me to override the nervous system of anyone I'm subjecting to it, and I know how physically painful your own can be, perhaps, when we have a chance, we can discover if my quirk can compensate for that."[/color] Of course, Talia wasn't going to allow her student to test her quirk on her. It would be best if Aurora didn't peer into the hero's memories... [color=skyblue]"Of course, we have plenty of time to think about what to do, we shouldn't rush this. These things take time."[/color]