Griz would have properly greeted Breden and the two new goblins that followed him...but he was a little too busy gawking at the resting wolf to do so. He knew that there existed goblins that rode upon wild beasts like how other goblins would have with a goat or perhaps a boar. But he'd never, in all his years of being alive, had seen a wolf this close without at least one of them trying to kill the other. Even less, one that [b][i]didn't[/i][/b] want to make a meal of the hunter. The green-eyed goblin seemed to have control over the wolf, but it did not comfort the rest of the goblin fighters and hunters present at Koglan's hut. They would have encountered a wolf at one point in their lives, and the experience was rarely a pleasant one. They gave the wolf a wide berth. Even Rom, one of the bravest goblins Griz knew, decided to take a handful of paces away from the resting predator.