Freyr walked over to Marae’s side from a nearby console to study the hologram. “Interesting. It’s a different shape and size to the Cradle.” She grabbed her AR glasses from where they hung around her neck and put them on. “Could be the same material profile. Hard to tell without a closer look. Have we detected any signals from it?” Freyr then turned and called to a short, barrel chested man in a white lab coat on the other side of the lab. “Apalkov, any luck gaining access with the harness?” There was a short pause; the members of Freyr’s team with parts to play were all deep in concentration. “I think we’re getting close! I just need to make some adjustments to the chemical mix.” A murmur of excitement spread through the lab - Freyr just nodded, thoroughly in the zone. “Good, once you’re confident, i’ll go under and see if we can interface with it.” “Definitely not. You’re too valuable to this mission; I can't allow you to go under. We have no fucking idea what's in there.” 595 sniped, moving so she stood right in Freyr's way. "What other options do we have? I'm not prepared to risk the lives of anyone else on this ship." Freyr retorted, more quietly. "Why don't I go? Let's face it, nobody cares if I live or die." 595 murmured, a sheepish smile on her face.