[center][@Spectral][@Sho Minazuki][@Landaus Five-One][@Takumi Enishi][/center] Carver's face went from a mask of politeness to lit up with barely contained excitement after Jessica introduced them as the mages here to take on his job. His posture straightened up and he suddenly was very aware of how much of a state he must look, inspecting and patting at his clothes to get them to settle and adjust properly. "[color=DarkKhaki]Oh, yes, Fenixtear, wonderful. You're just in t-[/color]" His words caught in his throat as something cloth landed on his head and face. Catching a glimpse of skin from beyond the clothing he pulled from his face, Carver's gaze immediately shot toward the ceiling and his entire body went rigid. His cheeks flushed a nearly glowing pink. He cleared his throat several times. It took another few to find his voice. "[color=darkkhaki]I - um - no, yes, I think...Well...madam, I would suspect...If it - perhaps...clothing. Is, uh. Well, quite necessary. Not that - you - not entirely...appropriate...to be in such a state...[/color]" A shaking hand held out the articles of clothing Gwen had discarded onto his face while he did everything he could to not look in her direction. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/501huyZ.png?1[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200629/d14e870c2957fddad1ff0fb69da13edb.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200817/75b9b689fb38bddda11d879089da01f6.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/2a2Qvr0.png?1[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200611/e27c881e7bd0977fcd1c2798ebaa7a72.png[/img][/center] Ria had lost track of where they were going while she tried to think up ways that maybe she could help Damian figure out what was going on with his power. The guild now had quite an extensive library, one that finally put hers to shame, so perhaps she could find something. If not in her books or the guild's, then she at least had some ideas as to what shops would be the best to go visit to see if they could find sources. Plans were swirling through her head enough that she blinked and realized just where they were and how she'd accidentally started leading him toward one of the better magical book stores in the city. Only to then realize that Damian had mentioned a fight and she certainly heard a scuffle. It wasn't really something they should get involved with, given if it was a fight they were just an indie guild, but she certainly couldn't deny wanting to make sure it didn't end up involving innocent bystanders or cause property damage to the shops around it. Of course, the people they came across when moving to check it out certainly was neither a surprise nor something she was pleased to see. She blinked and looked at Damian, putting up a hand as he walked into the fray. "[color=aqua]Damian, wait I -[/color]" but her words came too late. Teague growled lightly. Cracks formed in the ground again, before he swiped at Kaden once more, but with rocks forming claws around his fingers. Kaden swept the hit to the side and returned with an uppercut. Salvis had wound up to hit while Kaden wasn't looking but was stopped. He glanced over his shoulder at the newcomer when his arm was pinned behind his back. "[color=plum]Well, you'd be wrong, bud, considering your guildmate did ask for it. Nothing like a fight between friends. Bit of bad form though, jumping in without the details.[/color]" His eyes narrowed, but the smirk grew into a smile. He flattened his hand against his back - palm toward Damian - and sent a powerful blast of wind entwined with lighting toward the new combatant. He followed that up by immediately pulling sharply toward the same side as the arm he had pinned to try to work Damian off him. Kaden punched Teague squarely with a right hook, sending the other mage to the ground, as he looked toward Salvis and Damian. "[color=tomato]Really?[/color]" He glanced the opposite way, considering he'd seen the two near each other before he left the field, and managed to find Ria. "[color=tomato]Hey, what are you up to tomorrow?[/color]" He jumped over a sweep kick the other guy tried to send him. "[color=tomato]Because maybe tomorrow you and I can get some training done, yeah?[/color]" He leaned back away from another punch, slapping the strike away, as he grinned crookedly. Ria's brows rose. "[color=aqua]You're asking me? And you're asking now?[/color]" The mage Kaden focused on growled again before sucking in a deep breath. "[color=burlywood]Earth Dragon Roar[/color]" and shot a breath of rocks and dust toward Kaden. Kaden caught the attack with his shield, hitting it toward the side. Only for it to slam into and dissipate after hitting a barrier of water. Another wall swirled into place to isolate the four mages from allowing any of their spells to get beyond them, with an opening leading toward Ria. "[color=aqua]Kaden, collateral damage is unacceptable. Please take more care, least you draw negative attention toward the guild. Now finish up the fight quickly, boys, before someone calls authorities to break it up.[/color]"