quick tests [IMG]https://images2.imgbox.com/8e/f8/XiacUMC7_o.png[/IMG] [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p1QKkGU0i1zPN-2jU4w9AsZh4E5el_-_/view?usp=sharing]high res with names[/url] Alright, so this is the world politically. From the present day, technology and pollution have continued to increase. Several wars using advanced technology has destroyed much of the old urban infrastructure, and modern nations are characterized by decades of reconstruction and combat. This destruction worsened as centuries passed, the last recent war destroyed much of urban America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. The nations of north and south America conglomerated first, to concentrate their economies and rebuild, thus sparking a new age of global politics. Other nations of the world, some less willing than others, quickly banded together like the alliances in the past to participate in cooperative development. This, of course is drawing dangerous lines across the world and creating tension between the competing unions. I am fine with players adding to how specific nations operate within their unions, but this generally sets the stage for world militaries. Antarctica, and other previously uninhabitable regions of the earth have warmed slightly. Still a mostly frozen wasteland, development has been slow and contentious. Though no nation claims control of Antarctic territory, many nations encourage settlement, and stress their rights to access. The major passages to Antarctica are similar to the real world, and thus is nearest to Oceania, Africa, and South America. Settlement in Antarctica has occurred over the last few centuries, largely African, Indian, Chinese, and Latino ethnecities populate the continent. Early settlements on the Ronne and Ross Ice shelfs are now threatened with collapse as they melt away. West Antarctica and it's peninsula are largely settled by PACU citizens (Pan-American Congressional Union), with the east covered by European, African, and Indian colonists.