[color=ed1c24]"Celestian Andromedai, can you hear me? are you injured? Do you need medical assistance? Your armors life support systems seem to be rebooting after the living warp bomb, I can't get a reading on your current condition."[/color] Aivza's voice came though Andromedai's coms, at first sounding distant but then clearing, returning to what was considered normal. The HUD within Celestian Andromedai's helmet was informing her that the conversion field emitter from her Rosarius had absorbed most if not all of the energy from the explosion, though still warned that she may have received slight injuries. After a few seconds of gathering additional information about her current condition, she responded to the first person that had reached out to her, Celestian Aviza. [color=00aeef]"I am thankfully uninjured Aviza, at least from what I can tell. Be it due to Devine intervention or pure luck, I am unsure. What I do know is that my Rosarius absorbed most of the energy from the suicide warp-bomber."[/color] Aviza responded quickly, thankful that her fellow Sister of Battle was still in one piece, [color=ed1c24]"Yes well, I am going to thank the Emperor for your protection from the blast. You should check in with the rest of your, I mean our squad and ensure they are still alive."[/color] While slightly dizzy and disoriented, effects from the living warp bomb detonating and her short trip to the tree that stopped her from flying further into the distance, Andromedai found herself still lying upon the ground when Aviza made her suggestion. [color=00aeef]"I'm in the process of doing just that, once I am able to stand on my own."[/color] Celestian Andromedai then attempted to move back onto her feet, though the hand being firmly placed upon her left shoulder stopped her. Standing before her was their Techpriestess, Medaira who was now inquiring if the Sister of Battle was still functioning and operational. [color=00aeef]"I am Celestian Andromedai, not Psyker Adrianne. Or did I get knocked into a different dimension where Pysker Adrianne is the leader of this Inquisitorial retinue?"[/color] The last comment was in made in jest, though she was unsure if anyone would have been able to catch that. Carefully, she grabbed onto the Techpriestess for stabilization and pulled herself up off of the ground and back onto her feet. [color=00aeef]"I am fine, thank you for your concern."[/color] said Celestian Andromedai, who would then lightly pat Techpreistess Medaira upon her head a few times before stepping forward, towards her retinue. [color=00aeef]"Is everyone alright? Are there any injuries? I see that Pysker Adrianne..."[/color] Andromedai would stop mid-sentence, pointing back at the statue. [color=00aeef]"No longer Khorne, but of the God Emperor."[/color] The statue had indeed changed back to what it should have been, no longer representing the God of blood, war and murder. [color=00aeef]"What little remains of the woman who abruptly exploded are scattered around the area, and with her the effects of the warp bomb still linger."[/color] Celestian Andromedai considered the fact that they were most likely being watched at that moment, and switched to her coms so only her retinue could hear her speak. [color=00aeef]"It is likely we are being watched, why we have not yet been attacked since the Warp Bomb leaves me to assume they are merely toying with us."[/color] Turning to Adrianne, Andromedai continued speaking. [color=00aeef]"Or maybe they just want us alive? Do you still sense anything out of the ordinary?"[/color]