[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201213/b00c3b9f1992f52f6f3fee6a132906e3.png[/img][/center] [center][hider="You gonna get got here. You just gotta get yours more than you get got though.'" -Jamal Q.] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/bb/0b/0c/bb0b0cd2f1e34f76fc0224fed8b2e2d7.jpg[/img][/center] [center][sup][color=17182A]_________________________________________________________[/color][/sup] [sub][sup][b][color=C554B3] N E W M E M P H I S [/color][/b][/sup][/sub][sup] [color=17182A]_________________________________________________________[/color][/sup] [sub][COLOR=a0ae9a] Core world, capitalist bordello. Humans and everyone caught in between. Loud music, bright lights, fast money.[/color][/sub][/center] [indent][/indent] [COLOR=a0ae9a][sub][b][color=C554B3] N E W M E M P H I S [/color][/b][/sub] [sup][color=17182A]________________________________________________________________________________________[/color][/sup] [INDENT][HIDER=New Memphis] Know how many fake watches you can sell in a 97 km deep city? A lot. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/51/db/12/51db12eca2483f5e984e83ee33e69861.jpg[/img][/hider] [/indent][/COLOR] [sup][b][color=C554B3] G O V E R N M E N T [/color][/b][/sup] [sup][color=17182A]________________________________________________________________________________________[/color][/sup] [INDENT][COLOR=a0ae9a] AI governance, namely the supercomputer [b]Nine-Oh_One[/b]. The nation is run by this AI designed eons ago to create laws, move money, and distribute justice all by algorithm. However, the machine was never designed to be run the way that it finds itself today. It was designed to have the input of the populace, intellectuals, officials, senators and the like to provide it wise council, a heartbeat of the people, the emotional intangibles that no machine can replicate. But over the centuries neglect, corruption, and misinformation campaigns set in; the populace and eventually the government itself began to assume that the input of “flesh minds” mattered for nothing. The people unanimously assumed their voice was never heard and thus not worth offering. Anyone claiming that it did matter was said to be “just looking for a seat at the table,” raking in the cash rewards of “fake-ass government” funding. As such, the only voice that [b]Nine-Oh_One[/b] hears now, in the entire sector, is Tom’s, the facility janitor. [/COLOR][/INDENT] [sup][b][color=C554B3] D E M O G R A P H I C S [/color][/b][/sup] [sup][color=17182A]________________________________________________________________________________________[/color][/sup] [COLOR=a0ae9a][indent] Mostly humans. In reality a vast number of other alien species live in New Memphis’s sentient chattel house, both registered and undocumented. There is little concept of “citizenship” in this nation. Those who come and make money are welcomed. No one really has a concrete voice, no votes are cast, taxes are levied by automated currency exchange, civil projects are contracted out electronically by [b]Nine-Oh_One[/b]’s choosing among private industries. The peoples of the universe are free to mingle, trade, and create without limit. Those who are sub-profitable, are quietly [i]managed[/i]. [/indent][/COLOR] [COLOR=a0ae9a][sub][b][color=C554B3] E C O N O M Y [/color][/b][/sub] [sup][color=17182A]________________________________________________________________________________________[/color][/sup] [INDENT] Bustling, noisy, smelly, beautiful, tragic, vibrant, scary, New Memphis. The world is a metropolice with every level of what it takes to “make it” in a modern universe. A world shrouded by kilometers of habitable manufabed layers, there are hustles at every level. Banking is done by the central computer [b]Nine-Oh_One[/b] and the credit accounts attached to each resident are the only real markers of citizenship. Culture is vibrant and varied, reflecting the underserved and overworked populations of refugees, wanderers, and pseudo-serfs born in and tied to this endless turbine of the sentient experience. New Memphis is constantly creating, constantly growing, constantly starving. Food, minerals, tech, fuel. She is like a growing teen monstrosity, tearing at its very flesh on the climb upwards. New Memphis has its share of stretch marks: blackmarkets, gangs, trafficking, corruption. She is a city, the size of a system. Noisy, fury, and lights that empty out into the infinite abyss. [/indent][/COLOR] [COLOR=a0ae9a][sub][b][color=C554B3] M I L I T A R Y [/color][/b][/sub] [sup][color=17182A]________________________________________________________________________________________[/color][/sup] [INDENT] While sentients hold their place in the military, the majority of the true fighting force is automated. [i]Wipers[/i], the constructs are called. An air-space fleet of drones that are designed to police and protect the naval commerce of New Memphis. No one is really sure how they work but they certainly are the hivemind of [b]Nine-Oh_One[/b]. By rule, their primary weaponry takes the form of radiation cannons with a pinch of EMP. Designed to shut down their prey and cook the sentient degenerates inside with minimal damage to the external structure of their craft. One simply can’t have debris floating around in front of the jump gate--ghastly for commerce. An entire economy exists around salvaging these “cooked” ships and repurposing them to the needs of whoever has the tech savvy and radiation tolerance to claim the cancer buckets. Labor laws are not a New Memphis strong suit. If you want it and you can sell it, fair game. The police force, admittedly made up of sentients, is a small army unto itself. And yet despite its size, the hubbub of New Memphis often requires more thorough support of the peace from external sources. Private military companies make a killing--quite literally-- from controlling the unruly crowds that spring up from time to time. In the spirit of the free market, many such international industries set up shop in the global city. International trade corporations often find the robust centralized banking, little if any taxation/regulation, and cheap labor force to be rather enticing; as such, many high end military contracts are established simply to keep the riff-raff of New Memphis out of the penthouse spas. [hider=Cruiser][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f8/71/df/f871dfe3d2d4bab1e3a00fb526b6ac5f.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Destroyer][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8c/d7/f2/8cd7f255beefeff9d8751dddfc13d11f.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Cutter][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7b/7f/86/7b7f869b07ec51b7a09f1fe3fde691d0.jpg[/img][/hider] [/indent][/COLOR] [COLOR=a0ae9a][sub][b][color=C554B3] H I S T O R Y [/color][/b][/sub] [sup][color=17182A]________________________________________________________________________________________[/color][/sup] [INDENT] To ask a commoner on the streets, the response would be, “we been here.” A comment made with pride and a certain wily swagger that is seldom found except on these neon throbbing streets. The reality is that New Memphis was made with blood. It was filled with natives once who lived in the massive aqueous innervation of the prime planet. The soil was rich, waters clean, and lifeforms of all sorts thrived in abundance. Then it was found by humans. The global delta and its riches were settled, used, abused, adopted, formed, claimed, fought over, everything that happens when a sentient species finds something for the taking. Natives were whipped out, buildings were erected, greatness was born. New Memphis’s story is the same as any other. Ain't nobody give a shit. New Memphis is alive--now--and nobody can take back what it took to get it there. [/indent][/COLOR] [COLOR=a0ae9a][sub][b][color=C554B3] C H A R A C T E R S [/color][/b][/sub] [sup][color=17182A]________________________________________________________________________________________[/color][/sup] [INDENT] [hider=Tom Dop] Tom Dop - [b]Nine-Oh_One[/b] Environmental Services, Janitorial Staff [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d9/8e/60/d98e60c287d2e3f716ea79f58e853cf4.jpg[/img][/hider] [/indent] [INDENT] [hider=Liona Le Master] @RealLiona - Intergalactic influencer, frequent social voice of New Memphis [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d6/59/d4/d659d4e23004865c17382d3c52ae250e.jpg[/img][/hider] [/indent][/COLOR] [/hider][/center]