[quote=@Fabricant451] It's this weird habit a lot of Gamers™ have where they personally attach themselves to a game or product and take any slight against it personally despite having no skin in the game apart from spending money on it. Just look at the people who got legitimately angry because one reviewer gave Cyberpunk a 7; it couldn't be true, there's been 8 years of hype, it has to be at least a 9! TLOU2's discourse is fucking tiring and it was before it even came out and at this point there's still an active community of people who just...can't...get over the fact that the game they wanted to be a masterpiece didn't land for them for whatever reason and they refuse to think that it could for anyone else, especially those 'out of touch' game reviewers that for some reason they still follow despite constantly saying how pointless they are and how they're not real gamers or whatever the fuck. TLOU2 isn't even a bad game, it's just a dull one and the problem in that game doesn't start or stop with the writing or the fact that some people think that 'revenge bad' is all it's trying to say. The worst part of any fandom are the people who just can't get over the fact that something they like/dislike unconditionally can be liked/disliked by someone else. There needs to be that validation, that stupid thing in the brain that makes you feel like buying into the hype of a marketing machine wasn't a waste of time or else if it [i]was[/i] a waste of time then you have to convince everyone that it sucks and that you're [i]objectively[/i] wrong for liking it. The Game Awards have tried to be taken legitimately but this is the same thing that, in its very first show back on Spike TV literally announced the Game of the Year in the opening fucking seconds of the broadcast. When every publication, podcast, and content creator has their own GOTY thing, it makes something like The Game Awards even less meaningful. How can anyone truly take it seriously when they give out genre awards on the [i]pre-show[/i], don't let every winner say their piece, and rattle off awards in batches because they have to squeeze in more trailers for games that won't be out for five years. It's less of a wank-fest disguised as prestige than the Oscars, which acts like only America and sometimes England makes movies, but that's only because game developers aren't celebrities though plenty of them act just as entitled and in their own bubble as celebrities do. This is why they treat Hideo Kojima like some kind of god and still go like "Hey remember that time Josef Fares said 'fuck the Oscars'? Boy that was something, huh, wasn't that something?" because it was the only time there was anything genuine and noteworthy in that artificial environment. Play what you want, like what you want, and who gives a shit if it doesn't win an award, who plays games like they're looking for entries into the Criterion Collection. [/quote] Tis be quite thine hoteth taketh!