[quote=@AtomicNut] Including random trivia about a barely spacefaring race with a power level of 3? Seems rather random... Why would he waste time on that? There's hundreds of other races... [/quote] When one is intent on remaking the whole galaxy in their own image, probably a good idea to have as much data on every sentient race possible and even strong monsters as well. Sure humans are one of the weakest races in dragon ball but might as well have the data so you can just know they can just be curb stomped without having to do any investigation and wasting time when you do encounter them. Information is power. [quote=@Double] Humans are totally known in the Galaxy. I mean, what else could Recoome be? Or those orphan rebels that Gohan and Killin encountered on the way to Namek? [/quote] I am pretty sure though that Recoome is an alien that just very closely resembles a human. Tuffles were almost indistinguishable from humans as I recall from their very brief appearances.