[color=silver]Adam turned back to the half burned building, waving a hand in the air in a general gesture at everything around them. [color=bca346]"It's the uh... nature of this technology. Brain dives are risky for both parties although there's usually a measure of control for the one doing the dive. Plus, human brains are very... fluid."[/color] The building suddenly flickered out of existence, the destroyed AIDA unit with it. [color=bca346]"Our brains are very much like a maze; It's confusing but there is structure. For a human however, it's more like trying to navigate an ocean and sometimes you have to do it during a storm and all that water leaks through. It's hard to control, even with this tech but it looks like you caught on pretty quick..."[/color] He turned to Kefira again, this time regarding her with a smile and an expression like that of both intrigue and admiration. The woman was holding together extremely well despite having been thrust quite literally into the deep. Very little in the way of warning had been given to her and yet, she'd soldiered on with little more than a curious ask when something so private had been shared, even if only for a moment. [color=bca346]"Kefira... You do not have to share but it'd be a lie if I said I wasn't curious."[/color] He nodded toward the building that wasn't there. [color=bca346]"What memory was that?"[/color] From somewhere else, Peter's voice drifted through on martian winds, muted every so slightly now but still easily recognizable and understood. [color=white]"All commands are in, including 'Janx' which will cancel any commands he's following. Were there any other commands you wanted to add?"[/color] [/color]