Freyr ran a hand through her hair to help her think; it was getting quite long. “Again, this thing could be completely different from the Cradle. But… the only real ‘upload’ we’ve managed would be Human consciousness using the harnesses. Pretty much everything else requires a link to be established from [i]inside[/i] the environment first. It’s definitely worth a try though. In fact, we have the latest iteration of our Hunter Gatherer program in stock. It was showing promising results in Cradle data translation trials.” “Perhaps we should run both programs at the same time and see which one does best?” 595 offered, picking at her teeth with a tiny sliver of plastic. Freyr glared at her and snipped a message over privately. [i]“What are you doing? It’s not a foot race, Agent.”[/i] 595 grinned, showing off pearly white gnashers. [i]”Just trying to keep things interesting, Doctor.”[/i] Freyr turned back to the Rothians. “Please excuse my bodyguard. She means well.” 595 scoffed. “So i’m just a bodyguard now?” Freyr turned back to her. [i]”Please, be quiet. I am running things here.”[/i] [i]“That’s my girl! Now; say that to the Rothians.”[/i] Freyr gritted her teeth. The Agent was really starting to wind her up today.