Heh, I've had many frankly terrible experiances in my what 7-8? I think now (god I feel old) years of rping, on most sites I've used. Though quite a few I don't chalk up to failures, they were good learning experiances, especially my first few rps. I learned a lot from those. I'm not really the most active in the rp community anymore, but I would like to share a few stories so I can continue to pretend to myself that I haven't dropped out completely. My first biggest failure was in playing characters I thought other people would like, rather than ones I enjoy myself. For so long I placed myself in a mindset where I [i]had[/i] to write a certain type of character, because that's what other people on the site were using (different site) so these characters became just horrible for me to write and I didn't realise this. Eventually leading to me ghosting more than my fair share of rps mostly because I just got so tired of playing my character I would try to get out of their headspace and leave it. (And I was an idiot 15yr old) My second and probably biggest failure is not understanding when to step back from an rp and let people know about problems going on behind the scenes. Or just have eyes bigger than my stomach. I had an rp back on a previous site, probably my second biggest rp I've been in, or at the very least the largest I dmed. It started pretty well tbh, it was just meant to be a small thing I threw together after watching a really cool sci-fi based video on Youtube. I watched it and thought "oh, that looks like a realy cool setting" I should start an rp. And that was initially it, me and a few others chugging along in what was essentially an entirely character driven mostly slice-of-life rp, set in a semi-interesting setting. It was at that point things got a bit out of hand, the big sci-fi rp on that site had died and I'd (kinda) become friends with many of the people from it at which point my mind came up with the best possible decision. Why not try and have my rp become this "big" rp and do an rp for all the old rpers, bring them in? Needless to say this didn't go too well. I'd just started Uni at the same time and life got a bit ... overwhelming, But because I refused to take a step backwards, Order 227 style I ended up stretching myself a bit thin. Led to a few fallouts which ultimately ended the rp. Tbh after that and another rp slowly dying I've rarely had the energy to get myself back into rping. Occasionally I try, but RL and gaming with my mates seem to have become more and more my main outlet, especially as life has gotten busier. So if there's any reccomendation I can give from this whole ramble, its don't be afraid sometimes to take a step back and give yourself some "you" time. You'll almost certainly be better off because of it.