Big Red's bathing took more time than both girls combined. He had kept an eye on them when they were in the water, not to ogle but to make sure nothing happened to them. Archer Girl obviously didn't have much mess on her, Druid Girl had a bit more but it was mostly goblin gunk on her clothes because of the vegetated girl. Although it still amused him Druid Girl was still so shy about her body around him. It seemed to be a human and elf thing judging by what he has seen so far. Whatever, he was as clean as the water, soaking, and brush, would get him without actual soap. Plodding out of the river, the water cascading from his body, he flicked the water from his brush and tossed it on his pile of equipment and stuff. Lots of stuff. They'd have to hit the shops after drying off. The two girls were chatting as he approached and plopped down near the fire. His eyes closed while he rested, letting the heat sink into his body while soft wisps of evaporating water rose from his body. He absorbed heat better than the two girls did. Retaining it though was a different matter. (still recovering from sickness)