[h2]Saber - Arturia Pendragon[/h2] For a few moments, words failed the King of Knights. Before her was her own face. Framed with silver hair, but undeniably her own. In an instant, something struck her heart. It was difficult to understand this feeling, a mix of guilt and a dozen other sensations, questions, recollections, all of it poured into Arturia Pendragon's heart in an instant. The last time she had seem someone who shared her face... ... The blonde knight took a deep breath. She had chosen to never again let herself believe her own place in history was wrong. That would not change. But at the same time, the sight of something of this nature... she could not help herself. "... I apologize, Master," Arturia responded to Charlotte's words, "But now... I cannot restrain myself." She approached the silver-haired girl who shared her face, hesitatingly at first. "... Forgive me, but I cannot help but notice..." she paused for a moment, averting her eyes somewhat. For all of noble bearing, the King of Knights was completely uncertain how to address this. "... From where does your bloodline originate?" [@Rune_Alchemist][@Rezod92][@PKMNB0Y] [hr] [h2]Mihama Nanako[/h2] She might not have been perfect, but she was still a mage. But there was no real question of the huge phantom that had manifested using the magical energy of the shadow Servants and of the dead. Nanako could identify it easily as an onryo. Or something similar to one, it was not a [i]single[/i] vengeful ghost but rather a mass of them. Was that why the Caster had been so adamant about antagonizing the criminals before they died, to make sure they died resentfully and could be mixed with the hate-filled shades to create something like this? Or was that simply the kind of person the enemy Servant was? Regardless, Nanako was frustrated there was little she could do to support Meltryllis in this fight, but... maybe... Without saying anything as to avoid calling the massive phantom's attention to herself, she began doing her best to funnel as much of her own magical energy to the Alter Ego as possible. Not only was it something that wasn't obvious to the enemy, but it would help at least a little if nothing else. But for the moment, all she could do was wait for a good opening to try something else and stay out of the way, so Meltryllis could fight unrestricted! A rattling, rasping sound issued forth from the onryo's gaping jaw, as it leaned forward. Promptly, Suzuka's blade embedded itself into its chest, and for a moment it reared back. In that very same instant, Meltryllis's axe-like kick struck its right arm and bit cleanly through the ethereal bone, sending the limb spiraling off trailing black-red fumes through the air that smelled like blood. Seemingly unpreturbed by the loss of one arm, it raised the stump that remained, blackened tendrils of what appeared to be stringy hair emerging from the bone, cutting into the floor and wall as they lashed out towards the Servants. In the very same moment, in leaned forward once more and vomited more of the foul, blood-smelling vapor in an endless torrent, sending it billowing through the warehouse. Needless to say, being touched by that was unlikely to be a good idea. "Now now now now, as much as I'd like to watch my newborn child's playtime..." the Caster took a step back, "There really is business I must be attending to elsewhere, involving a little rat who's been giving these people trouble~" With a giggle, she seemed to fade into the darkness... [@PKMNB0Y][@Pyromania99][@Rune_Alchemist]