“That would also be a question for Rareth.” Marae answered. “Though, I would guess that she does. I do know that the first we send in will be soldiers to scout and secure a safe place for us to work.” Nirann gave a quick glance over to the hologram of the octahedral object. “If this thing is a supercomputer like the Cradle, I definitely want to go in. I’ve never had the chance to learn about something so strange and alien that wasn’t [i]also[/i] frustratingly primitive. Even I have to admit that your administrative capabilities on Outremer are impressive with your use of the Cradle, and you don’t even understand the thing fully. And considering that I’m in charge of the administration of Threria…well, you could see how that would interest me.” “If we can confirm that it is safe, then [i]maybe[/i].” Marae said, narrowing her eyes at Nirann before returning her attention to Freyr. “We will need one of your harnesses to modify to our needs. If there is a simulation, then Rareth wants to make sure she and her people can be properly armed, and I definitely want to be able to use our equipment. We could develop one of our own, but it would be faster to work off of yours as a base.”