[center][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/j4reGhD.png[/IMG][/center] [@Rezod92] A moment of eye contact, he could feel her searching his soul for a moment, and such a deep look, he had to fight back that reaction, feeling his cheeks warm. Despite the situation, despite her being a guild mate, it was still a cute girl looking at him, something he doesn't get alot of. Ozzy was initially expecting this be rather dire and her swearing him to secrecy more or less proved it. He raised his hand, putting the other on his heart infront. [color=gold]"I'm a chatterbox, but I swear I-"[/color] He was about to go in a long monologue about how he could be trustworthy but he settled his hands on his lap and simply nodded, eye contact and head looking at her own. [color=gold]"I promise. It won't leave the stoop."[/color] He prepared himself for the worst, but secretly he hoped getting it out, talking with someone would help her. He didn't know how much advice he could offer for something heavy, but maybe she didn't need advice. She was allowed to be sad, angry. He had to keep that instinct done of being a problem solver. He waited, ready to take whatever she was to give.