I believe it is important to talk with your partner because everybody will have a different opinion about the matter because, unlike porn or erotica, roleplaying involves real people and potentially real emotions and feelings of attraction. Some people might not care at all, some might just request no smut. Others might request no romance in general, and others might not be okay with roleplaying at all. Personally I would be fine with my husband or partner roleplaying to their hearts content (smut included), as long as they still gave me love and attention at the end of the day and didn't share their body IRL. But some are more sensitive, like my husband. Even though I've been roleplaying for ages he doesn't want me to do romance anymore because it could compromise my feelings and take attention away from him. Just be careful not to let your emotions get carried away and know when to take a break or leave a roleplay or roleplay partner if you feel like you might hurt somebody for getting too involved. (I unfortunately know from experience...) Good luck in whatever you decide to do!