[center][img]https://i52.servimg.com/u/f52/19/57/72/83/9f777111.png[/img][/center] "I can get in and out without much harm to me if I keep my body somewhere outside of the fight. I can see through walls and the various structure of what is really inside... However, you do realize whether I am touching you of my own accord or you touching me.. I only get memories and the pain when it is skin to skin. I feel nothing with my quirk if your gloved hand touched my skin and vise versa. If you think there is some way of making such things easier then by all means I am willing to. Another thing it depends on my length of time using that part and I tend to fall asleep for that length of time afterward."Spoke Aurora listening to Talia as she shrugged listening to the plan. Aurora was never one to be blunt about her ability as she was still learning it to the best of her abilities. She adjusted her hood a bit in thought "I will do what is requested of me as I was brought here to get stronger and better. this is the best way"she added