Emmaline took a seat one one of the stools, absently gnawing on a lock of hair as she thought about what she had heard. A robbery in the Imperial Palace itself. The very concept was insane, the Imperial palace was protected by legions of guards, wizards, priests, not to mention the ceaseless activity of the palace staff. It seemed impossible that any robbery could succeed, and even if it did the Imperial authorities wouldn't rest until those who tried such an audacious scheme. "Maybe..." she pondered, "maybe we don't stop the robbery." She stood up pacing the modest length of the room as she thought about the problem. "Maybe what we should do is wait for them to pull it off, and then steal the spoils from them," she said, warming to the idea as she formulated it in her mind. "That way the Reiksguard can hunt to their hearts content and we would never be implicated." "Of course we don't know what they are stealing, or when, so we should go down try to listen in a little more," she continued and then flashed a smile. "A great excuse for you to buy me dinner!"