[center] [img]https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/thumb/8/8e/Icon_heavy.jpg/150px-Icon_heavy.jpg?t=20160319164550[/img][h1][color=f7941d]The Heavy[/color][/h1][/center] [center][b][color=ed1c24]Level[/color][/b]: LEVEL UP - 2 (1/20) [b][color=ed1c24]Location[/color][/b]: Lakeside [b][color=ed1c24]Word count:[/color][/b] 562 (1 EXP) [/center] [hider=LEVEL UP - New Power aquired: Showdown]With a flick of the wrist, the Heavy mimics a quick-draw Pistol Showdown and shouts before blowing out the imaginary smoke from the "barrel". This attack has the chance of killing an enemy outright in one blow, or severly injure a stronger enemy. [/hider] The battle was in full swing then, though not in the way Heavy had anticipated today's battles to play out. The teams had changed dramatically, but to Heavy it was all the same story, only with new targets: Shoot to kill! Heavy's massive minigun of ridiculess amounts of firepower spewed bullets in appropriate spreads across the sandy map, the recoil but a light push against his massive frame. Some of the targets he was accustomed to shooting at, others not so much. Heavy kept up the suppresive fire for his new team mates, slowly backing towards the giant camel robot as some of them made their way on top towards safety. For a RED member such as Scout, it would have been pancakes, while Heavy was in no position to scale such a height. Not that it bothered Heavy in the slighest, for he was far to preoccupied with killing cowards of enemy team. Fast approaching and outnumbering them, but all the better. It only meant more blood to spill! The suited-up soldier from space, the Spartan, came into view of the Heavy. Spartan was aiming his sci-fi rifle up into the air, at first aiming at nothing in Heavy's mind. Only with the distant sounds of shouting behind him and a quick look over his shoulder, did he realize the target; The Robot Lady - Poppi - and the tiny furball mechanic - Tora! Why was Spartan fighting like Sniper now? This was not how this was meant to be fought! But Spartan was too far away for Heavy to kill him quickly with Sasha, even for how wonderful of a gun she was. Quick thinking was needed. Or perhaps better yet, a quick flick of the wrist? Heavy suddenly felt a surge of inspiration flow through his veins. Not cultural or artistic inspiration, no, but murderous inspiration! As if from the distant past of his life, Heavy instantly knew how he could accomplish such a feat; by shooting the Spartan! Brilliant! So it must have been a dampening sight to see Heavy put down his minigun for a moment, as if he was to surrender to the enemy team. On the contrary. Heavy knuckled his fists, bent down his knees and looked straight ahead at Spartan, blood in his eyes. His fists went down to the sides of his hips, his right hand reaching for something not there. A holster? A gun? But how? There was nothing there… [color=f7941d]"POW! Haha! You are dead! Not big surprise."[/color] In an instant, Heavy had pulled up his right hand and pointed it square at the Spartan, firing at him with…his finger? There was no gun in sight, no smoke or sound of a gunshot, only Heavy's imaginery gun pulled on the Spartan. And yet the unthinkable had to be thinkable, for a tremendous force hit the Spartan straight in his chest, knocking him back and onto his side. Had Heavy just killed the Spartan…with his imagination? Best not to dwell on it too much, not now at least. Heavy turned his attention back to the fight at hand, watching his allies fight to stem the tide of advancing BLUs and REDs towards them. [color=f7941d]"Cosmonaut Fox, do you have plan to get us out of here? If not, that okay! Heavy will fight to the end. Heavy is always happy to do some killing."[/color]