[quote=@souleaterfan320] King: you remind me of an old friend. he was cocky, confident, and powerful. but you know what happened to him? I broke him. *points to the base* and now, he's cowering like a child in that base, stripped of his abilities, left almost as weak as a tier one. *looks to mierno* and the best part? He was one of very few people that were and actual threat, to me. but, thanks to his [i]best friend[/i] techi's decision to 'help him out', I am here strong, and he is shaking, weak. leave it to the Tier Five to initiate their own demise. Damn shame none of you will be able to assist them past this point, though you are fun to toy with. *looks to you* As for you, the only thing you've proven is that your bark is worse than your bite, diva. Why don't you actually do some damage instead of just ripping apart reality in that little orb of yours? *I split into two beings, one walking toward you, and one walking toward Mierno* Mierno: forget this guy... punch a hole in his bubble. if we can do that, we can call in the cavalry. *turns to you* we are [i]not[/i] surviving this, alone. [/quote] The best help you've got is already here. Pop that bubble all you want, I've got an ego to blow wide open. For someone who monologues so naturally, you're one to talk about bark and bite. Tell you what, I'll chalk it up as a win for you if you even so much as make me worried for myself. *Closes my fist, encasing the energy entirely within and letting none leak out* Is that enough to convince you to do less talky talky or do I need to shut your mouth for you?