Lock and Barrel both sniggered at Carver's explanation of "manhood". "You could always just ask," Barrel said with a shrug. Jack wasn't sure he wanted to know, but picked up enough context from Lock and Barrel to somewhat guess Carver's interpretation on the drawing. He shook his head when he picked up on the initial euphemism. The rattling stopped. Lock glanced at Jewel. His tail flicked in annoyance, but he gave her a curt nod to acknowledge her point. "[i]Fine[/i]," he said, then grinned. "Guess I can go see what Shock hasn't smashed yet." He ran over to the chemical cabinet. Barrel had found a jar of leeches and was snacking on them when Jewel gave him "the look". He just shrugged and stuffed a few more in his mouth. Shock saw Jewel in the corner of her eye. "Wasn't planning on it," she said, then glanced to Dr. Finklestein. She brought back her sweetest tone. "At least, not [i]yet[/i]." "Shock..." Jack warned. Shock simply went back to tinkering. "Like I'd blow this place up with my family in it, or all the toys we haven't played with yet," she said. "Really, Jack, that's not [i]practical[/i]." "But there's always [i]after[/i] you three leave," Jack said, "and what gets left behind." Shock grinned and moved so he could better see [i]exactly[/i] which chemicals, parts, and wiring she had - minus the silicate powder, which she kept behind the device she was building. If Jewel wanted to inspect, the chemicals in question would be annoying to clean up after, but not too dangerous. There also weren't enough materials for anything too complex. "Don't worry, Jack. I know [i]exactly[/i] what I'm doing." She watched Finklestein get Jewel's attention regarding Carver's limbs and smirked, then calmly went back to work. Jack still watched her suspiciously for a moment, but left her alone when he couldn't find anything too out of place. Lock had since pushed a metal cart to the chemical cabinet so he could access the ones on the top shelf, when he heard Carver tapping. He turned his head to translate. "We can make you a new one," he said cheerfully. "We'll stop by the pumpkin patch on the way back," Barrel said. He licked his lips, both to catch some leech juice, and at the thought of getting a good pumpkin to eat while they were there. "Yum!" "Three eyes?" Shock suggested after a quick glance at Carver. "You haven't rocked that look in a while." "And a second mouth--" Lock said. "--On the [i]back[/i] of the head!" Barrel finished. They all grinned in excitement.