[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5VbUY1Ylc5dVpDQk5iM0psYm04LC4w/wellbutrin.regular.png[/img][/center][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI0MC4wMzAzMDIuVW1GcGJXVWdRbkpoZFc0LC4w/acid-label.regular.png[/img][/center] [center]HP: [b]320/320[/b] | MP: [b]336/336[/b] | SP: [b]352/352[/b][/center] [hr] Raymond managed to arrive at the [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8b/Estaci%C3%B3_Internacional_de_Canfranc.JPG/1200px-Estaci%C3%B3_Internacional_de_Canfranc.JPG]train station[/url] in just under ten minutes, a new personal record if he bothered to record it, but irrelevant to the task at hand. Though, he was quite glad that it was off-season and the station hadn't as many tourists or visitors arriving or leaving the town. Made maneuvering through the alleys and sidestreets far easier and there were fewer people that would have known his screw-up. It didn't take an expert psychologist to know that Raymond was nervous about seeing his significant other that he accidentally wronged, but he was determined to make things right...or at least as of right as an apology, flowers, and sweets could. Hopefully, that would be enough. He really didn't want to do the puppy eyes in public. But, if worse comes to worst, he wouldn't hold back. He knew that Charlie couldn't stay mad at him while making a fool of himself. It was a tried and tested maneuver whenever she was sad or upset...but what if doesn't work this time around? A dozen 'what if' questions popped up inside his head. He began thinking about it in a similar manner to a logistical problem in the kitchen. Attempting to find efficient workarounds and making the best of a situation. In the process, he hadn't realized that he had stopped in his tracks while making his way through the station to the waiting area. His mind working hard in its attempts to produce a proper course of action if the whole 'act like a dumbass' didn't do the job well enough. This hadn't gone unnoticed by the passerbys, giving the man looks. Varying from looks of open confusion to slightly amused ones. That is until a flick to the forehead brought Raymond back to reality. There stood before him was none other than Charlotte with a bemused smirk on her face. His mind went blank as he didn't account for her interacting with him first. [color=chocolate]"Uhh...I-I got you some stuff."[/color] He says as he holds up the peace offerings. [hr][hider=Character] [b]Username:[/b] Raime Braun [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 189 cm [b]Weight:[/b] 90 kg [b]Voice Pitching:[/b] 0 [b]Decorations:[/b] None notable. [b]Appearance:[/b] Splitting image of his own physical appearance. Wearing a full set of traveler's clothes. [hider=Attributes] [center]=Points when applied to HP, MP, or SP, each point consumed grants 10.=[/center] [i]HP[/i] – 320 [Determines how much damage you can take before death.] [i]MP[/i] – 320 + 5% = [b]336[/b] [Used for spellcasting. Affects magical damage.] [i]SP[/i] – 320 + 10% = [b]352[/b] [Used for techniques and skills. Affects physical damage.] [i]STR[/i] – 20 [General physical strength.] [i]AGI[/i] – 60 + 10% = [b]66[/b] [Affects perception of time in combat. Partially affects physical speed.] [i]END[/i] –25 [General toughness and physical defense. Affects SP regeneration.] [i]DEX[/i] – 60 + 5% = [b]63[/b] [General skill and accuracy of movements. Affects weapons and tool usage.] [i]LUC[/i] – 11 [Affects item drop rates.][/hider] [b]Classes:[/b] [b]Scout Lvl.25 - [+5% MP | +10% SP | +10% AGI | +5% DEX][/b] [hider=Skills][list] [*][b][Ranged Proficiency Lvl.1][/b] = Increase Proficiency with Ranged Weapons. [*][b][First In, First Out][/b] - Passive. Increase movement speed by 15% when engaging and disengaging enemies. [*][b][Dive N Strike][/b] - Active. 10% SP cost. Dive in any direction and roll, increasing evasion. If evasion is successful, increase the damage of the next attack. [*][b][Zoned In][/b] - Increase AGI by 20%. Passively Consumes 10 SP Per-Turn while Active. [*][b][Asess][/b] - Active skill that consumes 50 SP. Observe a single target and determine whether they are stronger or weaker than you. Has a chance of gleaning further statistical information. [/list] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=User Experience] [b]Perception:[/b] Realistic [b]Gore:[/b] On [b]Pain Setting:[/b] 100% [b]Clothing Damage:[/b] On [b]Nudity Censor:[/b] Off [b]Profanity Censor:[/b] Off [b]Combat Action:[/b] Manual [b]Spell Incantations:[/b] Manual[/hider] [hider=Equipment] [b]Helmet:[/b] [N/A] [b]Armor:[/b] Traveller's Clothes (Gray) [b]Arm Equipment:[/b] [N/A] [b]Main Hand:[/b] [url=https://w0.pngwave.com/png/621/976/crossbow-ranged-weapon-bow-and-arrow-weapon-png-clip-art.png]Light Crossbow[/url] [b]Offhand:[/b] [url=https://vikings.help/users/vikings/imgExtCatalog/big/m493.png]Wargtooth Dagger[/url] [b]Leg Equipment:[/b] Traveller's Shorts (Gray) [b]Footwear:[/b] Traveller's Geta [b]Accessory # 1:[/b] [b]Accessory # 2:[/b] [b]Accessory # 3:[/b] [b]Accessory # 4:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] Money: 14 Silver Pieces [b]Inventory Type:[/b] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c6/22/e3/c622e30c182efda36fd41f868ab826af.jpg]Common Pouch[/url] [b]Inventory Capacity:[/b] 05/20 Items [hr][b]List:[/b][list] [*] [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/darksouls/images/d/d4/Standard_Bolt_%28DSIII%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160612101953]Standard Bolts[/url] x ∞ [*] Pearl Clover x 16 [*] Night's Ward x 8 [*] Frostgrass x 12 [*] Tripiste x 10 [/list] [/hider][hr]