[color=f9ad81]"Bing bong!"[/color] taunted the villain taking two more grenades tossing them underneath him allowing himself to be propelled through the air onto a roof above the tidal wave letting out a maddening sadistic laugh [color=f9ad81]"Your society will never be safe from me. suffer the humiliation![/color]"He roared in maniacal laughter avoiding their attacks before launching more grenades in every which direction, some landing in the various buildings with openings [color=f9ad81]"Bing bong! Time is running out of heroes! better suffer the humiliation and lose the dresses of defense!"[/color] Dominatrix laughed from his perch on a building. the Manic looked around before pulling out another surgeon, feeling a dying effect [color=f9ad81]"I forget what these are again...Oh well, I got several, and let's see what this one does."[/color]He tossed injecting himself [img]https://i52.servimg.com/u/f52/19/57/72/83/wqeqwe10.png[/img] Aurora listened to Kuudere's orders as she nodded closing her eyes focusing as a split imagine a bit more transparent formed behind her where she stood looked around. [color=6ecff6]"alright I am live."[/color]She added looking up at the ceiling towards where the villain was laughing his but off posting about the power he felt racing through him [color=6ecff6]"I see, he injected himself again...Kuudere, watch my body, I need to get closer, I will be fine, my quirk can't be touched if my body is safe, so my clothing should be fine.."[/color] she said as her transparent form disappeared only to reappear a few feet behind the villain moving to cover watching him before hearing the clinging of metal [color=6ecff6]"what?'[/color] she asked herself seeing another figure standing on a building above the villain [b]"There you are Dominatrix. How dare you run from your punishment...Sealer. Time for you to do your thing"[/b] Spoke the voice belonging to the 3rd rank Hero, The metal Hero: Chariot. Her silver hair flowed freely as her bright red eyes pierced through the shadows darkening her face. her signature rapier out at her side. [color=6ecff6]"Wait...Chariot is here? How? Why?"[/color] asked Aurora before returning her attention to the villain only to notice he was leaning over her cover [color=f9ad81]"Is it just me or the drugs or are you really a ghosty girl. Hm? I wonder what you look like under that dress defense."[/color]He said with a laugh as Aurora moved away, knowing she was safe from getting harmed but it was best not the give that advantage away