[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=Red]Ronald Granger[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/5oqrVbA.jpg[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Orlando, Florida USA. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] American news outlets. Granger rally in Orlando, Florida.[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] Broadcasted on Fox news over the course of several days; “Fellow Americans, we cannot sit idly by and let these monsters tear apart our country! Four months ago a great travesty befell the world, and our nation knew grief. Our allies, God bless them, suffered the same fate. However, 40 days after the great conflagration, monsters came back to mock our family members! They have powers that they use against the common people, good people… innocents who do not deserve the pain that was already piled onto their overflowing plates!” The man on the TV would look at the camera, his slicked back hair and clean shaven face close to his own picture that spanned the banner behind him. The big words ‘Vote for civility! Vote Granger.’ “These people are monsters, and some of them know it! These people who pretend to be the men and women that vanished over a few months ago have their face and their memory, but they hold a great evil in their heart! You have seen the news, the papers and twitter; Schools destroyed by the monsters, our young Americans- the next generation… Slain like cattle! It's outrageous!” The crowd would cheer, support growing for the Rich white conservative who had a solution for the problem plaguing the world. “I will not stand for this, if I was your president you would be protected! These monsters would be found and labeled for what they are, and if they are deemed too much of a danger four our schools, for the American way of life, then by the grace of God in heaven, they will be destroyed!” Sweat would form on his head as he preached fire as well as many of the pastors in the deep south. Granger was a man from the construction industry, The magnolia state of Mississippi his home. This platform was perfect to raise a nobody like him to power, and with his hometown story and ‘good ethics’ from his own company, Granger construction, he was seen as a small business owner and a personable man. Many scared Americans were on the dividing line with the new issue of these super people. Most of the common citizens feared them, and rightly so. The media has slammed them with bad press since the day they returned. Many men guarded Granger, and a man by the name of Trevor Hitch had been shot trying to kill him with a power of his own. The attempt on his life was a vaulting point for his campaign, and he used it as a prime example. “Several days ago, I was attacked by Trevor… a man made into a monster by the great conflagration, and I defended myself!” The media had proclaimed Granger quite the hero, as Granger had not only foiled the attack, but personally put a bullet into the man’s heart. This was all caught on camera, and was one of his many stories that kept the common people flooding to support him.